ZALORA celebrates the launch of Jack Wills’ Spring/Summer 2018 Collection

Original Content from Filment Ho Thread SG Last week, British fashion label Jack Wills made its exclusive online debut in Asia on ZALORA and unveiled its Spring/Summer 2018 Collection on 15th March at Spanish restaurant FOC Sentosa with a fashion trunk show. The event saw more than 50 guests in attendance, including media personalities and fashion influencers from across the region with the likes of … Continue reading ZALORA celebrates the launch of Jack Wills’ Spring/Summer 2018 Collection

Trend Tutorial: Pleat Perfect

Original Content from Joyce Chua Thread SG Pleats used to be associated with schoolgirls and pinafores. But with designers like Issey Miyake, Michael Kors, Victoria Beckham, and Proenza Schouler revisiting this old-school trend, it’s coming back as a bolder, sexier version of its past self. Whether it’s knife pleats, accordion pleats, micro-pleats, or top-stitched pleats, there’s a look you’re bound to love. Here’s how to … Continue reading Trend Tutorial: Pleat Perfect

Things to do Every Morning to Feel Your Best

Original Content from Aini Shah Thread MY It does not matter whether you are in your twenties, thirties or even forties, you always would want to have the energy you used to have when you were in your teen years. But the reality is that, often, one would feel overwhelmed with all the tasks and responsibilities to be carried out on a daily basis to … Continue reading Things to do Every Morning to Feel Your Best

A Working Woman’s Guide to Wearing High Heels Pain-Free

Original Content From Thread SG Highs heels — love them or hate them, they’re considered an essential in most wardrobes, particularly so for a professional working woman. Be it for a conservative office or an evening event, high heels can add a touch of glam. But imagine having put together an amazing outfit, only to suffer from blisters and sore feet an hour after stepping out of … Continue reading A Working Woman’s Guide to Wearing High Heels Pain-Free

Beauty Essentials for Any Trip (And How to Fit Them Into Your Luggage)

Original Content From Thread SG When it comes to packing your travel beauty essentials, no matter how many times you write a checklist, you always forget something that you need. Remembering that everything has to be under 100ml for the plane, what you actually need on a plane and what you’ll need whilst you’re there can be a bit of a headache. So this list … Continue reading Beauty Essentials for Any Trip (And How to Fit Them Into Your Luggage)

ZALORA 潮流動向﹕古典浪漫

Translated From Joyce Chua Thread SG 喜愛蕾絲和荷葉邊的女生有個好消息﹕古典風格不再是老套的象徵,更成為今季主流,在時裝界牽起一股文藝復興熱潮。 除此之外,巴洛克風格亦再次冒起,,與維多利亞風格一同迷倒眾生。 維多利亞風和巴洛克風看似一樣,本質卻截然不同﹕前者採用蕾絲、荷葉邊設計,配搭粉紅色、灰色、粉色等柔和色調;相反,後者使用誇張突出圖案,以黑色、金色、深紅色、湖水綠等深色系。 你不能錯過的古典浪漫風設計細節﹕ 蝴蝶結和領帶 法國國王路易十三曾僱用克羅地亞僱傭兵,並在他們的軍服領口位置圍上布料。這舉動使領帶首次成為身份象徵的配飾。時至今日,領帶和蝴蝶結畫龍點睛的效果仍然出色。如果想為造型加上更多巴洛克特色,不妨考慮選購誇張圖案花紋的領帶和蝴蝶結。 繡花和嵌花 維多利亞時期元素帶有迷人的特質,讓人難以忘懷的同時,更是時裝界的長期寵兒。2018年春季系列設計師採用印花布料、流線剪裁,再加上蕾絲繡花,將浪漫時期的皇室氣派發揮得臨漓盡致。 立體下擺 毫無疑問,結構細節能為衣服帶來驚豔的效果,但如果想在人群突出,就不能錯過立體下擺。無論是不對稱、波浪邊,還是荷葉邊,使造型型格之餘又不失嫵媚。你更可以大玩材質拼搭,從微細設計盡見無限心思。 誇張滾邊 如果你是個膽小鬼,這個造型絕不適合你!流蘇和滾邊為整個造型帶來動感,肯定能夠成為眾人焦點所在。想更加浮誇?不如為流蘇裙配上喇叭袖上衣,絕對是吸睛的好選擇。 大膽圖案 特大圖案、花紋和刺繡,三者都是構成出色獨特時裝的精髓。不論是巴洛克風格圖案,還是新藝術運動花紋,都能為服飾加入奢華感覺,讓你輕鬆融入每個場合。 你最喜歡哪個設計細節?記得留言告訴我們! Continue reading ZALORA 潮流動向﹕古典浪漫

How To Get Long Strong Hair

Original Content From ZALORA PH 5 tips for healthy, beautiful tresses Photo by Valerie Elash on Unsplash Many women dream of having thick, long hair. Having long hair has its own challenges, of course — it can be a pain in the summer heat, and difficult to keep healthy and strong. But if you really want long hair and are willing to put in the maintenance work, it’s … Continue reading How To Get Long Strong Hair

5 Simple Ways to Declutter Your Wardrobe

Original Content From Daniel Loy Thread SG Credit: Pexels Running out of real estate for your latest fashion haul? Here’s how to create some space and transform your closet from drab to fab. Learn to Let GoSure, those torn-up skinny jeans were all the rage years ago, but the fashion world has moved on and so should you. “Fashion’s a cycle,” you may say. True … Continue reading 5 Simple Ways to Declutter Your Wardrobe

5 Key Tips for First-Time Solo Travellers

Original Content From Thread SG Travelling solo may sound daunting, but it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll ever gain. Sure, it’s fun to travel with company, but there are also many reasons to fly solo: not only do you get to travel according to your own schedule and preference, you also get some valuable alone time and learn to venture into … Continue reading 5 Key Tips for First-Time Solo Travellers

Curves & Confidence: How to Nail Plus-Size Dressing

Original Content From Thread SG Your days of boring, “safe” OOTDs are over. Work your killer sense of style with these plus-size guidelines. If there’s one trend we’re loving in fashion right now, it’s the focus on diversity. The celebration of different types of beauty — be it by skin colour or body type — is a vital step in making fashion more inclusive and accessible. So we’re all … Continue reading Curves & Confidence: How to Nail Plus-Size Dressing

Brow Wigs: The Newest Brow Trend

After embroidered eyebrows, say hello to brow wigs! Original Content From Wulandari Natlia Thread SG Ever since bold brows became THE beauty trend to get on a few years ago, women have devised ways to get strong, defined brows. For those who do not have thick eyebrows or are reluctant to undergo the painful process of eyebrow embroidery (which usually requires further retouching for a more … Continue reading Brow Wigs: The Newest Brow Trend

The PORE-FECT Solution For Your Skin

Original Content From Toni Quiogue If you’re bound and determined to rid your precious skin of blocked pores, here are some easy but effective tips and tricks. KNOW THY ENEMYIn this case, blackheads are your enemy. Blackheads are basically clogged pores that are caused by a mishmash of sebum (a good-for-you oily substance produced by our body to protect our skin) and dead skin cells. … Continue reading The PORE-FECT Solution For Your Skin

This Season’s Top 5 Fashion Best Sellers — Women Edition

After crunching the data we have shortlisted the top 5 bestselling women fashion that will be taking centre stage on the fashion scene this year. Think boots, dresses, ballerina flats. These are the types of women clothing that will set the tone for women fashion this year. Find out how to pair them to accentuate your look. Low Heel Elastic Knee High Boots Make a … Continue reading This Season’s Top 5 Fashion Best Sellers — Women Edition

5 Lipstick Colours Recommended for Full Lips

What colour of lipstick will make your pout even more stunning? Original Content From Wulandari Natlia Thread SG Credit: Choosing the right lipstick requires some consideration — from your skin tone to the fullness of your lips. For those of you who have fuller lips, this one’s for you. We tested an array of lipstick shades that will make your makeup even more stunning. Here are … Continue reading 5 Lipstick Colours Recommended for Full Lips

How to Wear Ultra-Violet This International Women’s Day

Original Content From Joyce Chua Thread SG This year, Pantone the colour authority has decided that ultraviolet is thecolour of 2018. Given its historical association with efforts to achieve gender equality, purple complements the International Women’s Day #PressforProgress campaign theme, which advocates feminism and worldwide efforts to achieve gender equality. In the 60s and 70s, the colour was used by feminists to represent the Women’s … Continue reading How to Wear Ultra-Violet This International Women’s Day

ZALORA 潮流動向﹕迷幻叢林

Translated from Thread SG 數碼印花強勢回歸時裝界 潮流趨勢分析公司WGSN剛公佈2018年春夏系列大熱風格。如果你對於今季穿搭還未有主意,不妨考慮迷幻叢林風。 你可能會問,甚麼是迷幻叢林風?試想像迷幻眩目強光和叢林圖案結合在一起的畫面。迷幻叢林風的重點是運用七彩奪目的顏色,展現充滿異國風情的自然圖案 — — 森林、日落、灌木草叢及其他雨林風光。 迷幻叢林風重點是將茂密的植物圖案加入幻象元素,採用深邃而飽滿的顏色,仿如用了修圖軟件的對比功能,圖案更突出鮮明。當天然環境和人造效果合在一起時,嶄新的火花就這樣產生。 當大部分數碼圖案服裝和配飾都以彩虹色為主調時,迷幻叢林風的選色是千奇百變。Tory Burch和Thom Browne的時裝表演採用活潑的70年代風格色系,如湖水藍、青綠色和橙黃色,展現印花魅力。 今年春夏系列的天橋由鮮艷色系佔據。迷幻叢林風為這些顏色加入超現實元素。誇張奪目的顏色為大地色調和簡約風時裝注入了假日的優雅活力。 不過,高雅的波希米亞風似乎不會退下戰線,大印花和繡花仍然會是春夏系列的中流砥柱。 選購風格 Continue reading ZALORA 潮流動向﹕迷幻叢林

#ZALORAStyleEdit最佳穿搭 — 2018年2月

如果你認為亞洲人不太著重穿搭風格,我們恐怕不敢苛同。即使我們身處熱帶氣候地區,熱多冷少,但總會遇到風大稍涼的日子,所以層次穿搭是個不錯的選擇。每當溫度稍降,我們即可加上長外套、牛仔褸、寛鬆西裝外套和大褸,既能保持型格,又不怕著涼。 今個月的#ZALORAStyleEdit最佳穿搭有兩個共通點,就是外套和層次穿搭。我們發現,春天除了迎來生機,亦帶來了鮮豔顏色和誇張飾物。夏天日漸靠近,我們期待有更多色調出現! 即使亞洲地區全年大部分時間都是夏天,並不代表我們要一直穿短褲和人字拖鞋。我們相信,以下的穿搭將會成為很好的參考。 層次穿搭搖身一變成為嶄新造 型 — @arissalea 絕不失手的自然色系@onlyramdan 萬綠叢中一點 紅 — @shasha.anuar 外套加牛仔褲,保暖同時不失型格@meganstalk @wirdaaryanie完美演繹出準媽媽的時尚風格 我們很想看看你的穿搭!在Instagram加上#ZALORAStyleEdit,分享你的造型和戰利品。下一個獲選最佳衣著的人可能就是你! Continue reading #ZALORAStyleEdit最佳穿搭 — 2018年2月

Own Now: 每一刻,都是一場革命

Translated from Karen Khor Thread SG 當你探索這個世界時,我們的文章經常為你呈現出時尚社群一個又一個浪漫化的完美形象。如果你想滿足社會的美學要求,模仿看來是最簡單的方法。 我們有時會發現自己無法做到完美形象,原因可能是我們除了能夠做真實的自己外,根本沒有可能變成其他人? 每個人都獨特的。OWN NOW是個讓你開始傾聽心聲,讓內心當家作主的機會,鼓勵自主、多元、獨特、賦權、表現自我和個人風格。 ZALORA: 你會如何形容自己的風格? Anda: 以前的我是個喜歡七彩顏色的時尚女孩,不過現在反而喜歡上流壞女孩風格。我嘗試駕馭這種霸氣滿溢的造型好幾年了!不少人喜歡找我問路,可能因為我經常掛著笑容。我並非不想保持友善。能夠開心快樂是件非常棒的事!我只是想嘗試不同的態度,看看哪種才是真正的自己。人生只有一次,為甚麼只以一種形象過活?每天都是新一天,昨天的你不能代表今天的你。 ZALORA: 很有趣的想法!這是否代表你在不同時候會有各式各樣的造型? Anda: 絕對是。事實上,我的風格深受髮型所影響。我發現,每次剪頭髮後,我都會成為另一個人,當我是長頭髮,我會穿上短裙和連身裙。你絕對無可能會見到我會換上牛仔褲。倘若我將頭髮剪得很短很短,我又會再次穿上牛仔褲。 ZALORA: 儘管你有千變萬化的造型,哪個性格是持久不變? Anda: 我想應該是保持正能量。無論有甚麼難關,我都會笑著面對。人們欣賞我是因為他們認為我的生活沒有難關。所有人都有自己的問題,只是應對的方法各有不同。我可以選擇悲觀地面對,又或者將問題拋諸腦後,繼續過活。人生無常,任何一刻都有可能會不在人世。我不想死的時候是不開心。 ZALORA: 你希望自己可以啟發甚麼人? Anda: 有些人因為自己的與眾不同而感到羞恥。我想他們知道不要再為自己感到羞愧。我收到不同人的訊息,說我不會明白他們的感受,因為我一起牀就容光煥發。但他們根本沒有看到我!他們沒有見過我起牀的樣子!即使我經常化妝,我喜歡自己沒有化妝的樣子!無論有沒有化妝,你都要喜歡自己! 有人跟我說,因為我有牙縫,所以使她覺得自己有牙縫都沒有問題。對,這是很平常!不要試圖遮掩牙縫,亦不要因為它而不再展露笑容! 當你有自信,你就會變得非常美麗。如果你能夠喜歡自己,其他人就無法討厭你。 Continue reading Own Now: 每一刻,都是一場革命