5 Common Mistakes When Shaping Eyebrows

Original Content from Wulandari Natlia Thread ID Every woman wants an eyebrows on fleek. However, many think that drawing on brows is one of the most difficult steps of makeup application. Getting the perfect eyebrow shape does requires extra patience but is actually not as difficult as you might think. You just need to avoid these common mistakes: 1. Over-Shaving Eyebrows Think shaving your eyebrows … Continue reading 5 Common Mistakes When Shaping Eyebrows

OWN NOW: 擁抱多元獨特的慶典

Original Content From Joyce Chua Thread SG 我們都知道,時裝代表了很多東西。時裝不只是模特兒行天橋所穿的衣服,不只是高檔的訂造時裝,更不只是著名設計師所定下的潮流。 時裝是種媒介和工具,能夠深深影響和改變社會,同時容計設計師和穿著者帶來同等的影響,更能反映當時社會文化背景。 時裝的歷史轉變 在歷史當中,時裝一直都被視為身份、信仰和價值的象徵。從個人層面來看,時裝是用來肯定自我的工具。時裝,可以掀起改變。 近年來,社會有更多的聲音要求有多元文化。時裝,作為代表身分象徵的工具,亦漸漸擴闊空間,吸納少數邊緣族群,不再只是上流社會的玩意。 在16世紀,女士初次穿上高跟鞋(事實上,男人比女人更先穿高跟鞋);1930年代,女人穿上長褲(Katherine Hepburn引領的潮流)。由90年代冒起的頹廢搖滾開始,街頭文化漸漸影響天橋時裝。緊隨其後,有雌雄難辨的中性時裝,將兩性的界線變得模糊;大碼時裝鼓勵不同體態的女性擁抱獨特美;民族服裝的興起,使郭培和Ashley Isham等民族風裝設計師都備受關注。 在過往的數十年,時裝潮流都有顯而易見的轉變。我們深信,這一切都只是剛剛開始。 現在就擁抱自我 不論性別、性向、種族、宗教或喜好,時裝都成為我們的工具,助我們自由自在地展現真我。 ZALORA的OWN NOW計劃目的是將時裝變成大眾化 — — 讓喜愛時裝的人都能掀起潮流,建構屬於我們現在的風格。這個計劃鼓勵各式各樣嘗試,自由自在表現真我,激發個人自主性,使時裝成為前所未有般有趣。 OWN NOW同時鼓勵所有人相信自己能夠擁有屬於自己的空間和世界。這計劃希望能夠幫助所有人提高自信心,與時裝共渡歡樂時光,展現和擁抱最真實獨特的自己。 時裝讓我們能夠為自己發聲。時裝是我們的武器。時裝是我們展現光茫的舞台。現在是時候關注我們身邊的風格大師,聽聽他們的想法。 Continue reading OWN NOW: 擁抱多元獨特的慶典

The Beginner’s Guide to Using Eyebrow Pencils

Original Content From Wulandari Natlia Thread ID Here’s how you get eyebrows that are always on fleek. One of the most challenging things when putting on makeup is drawing on eyebrows. Your foundation, eye shadow, contour, highlight, and lipstick may be on-point, but if your brows are too thick or uneven, or if the shape is wrong, the overall look is ruined. Of course, the effort … Continue reading The Beginner’s Guide to Using Eyebrow Pencils

Your Chinese New Year Beauty Prep List

Original Content from Joyce Chua Thread SG You might already have booked your manicure and facial sessions in time for Chinese New Year, and shopped for new clothes as well. Now, it’s time to top it all off with the right skincare and beauty products that will have you looking perfectly groomed. Be it a quick beauty fix, a long-lasting manicure, or finding the right … Continue reading Your Chinese New Year Beauty Prep List

How to Wear Your Lucky Colour for Chinese New Year

Original Content from Joyce Chua Thread SG The tradition to wear “lucky colours” stemmed from an ancient feng shui theory that wearing your lucky colours can help improve your fortune and bring you luck and happiness. It might seem a tad superstitious for the scientifically inclined, but there’s no harm in sporting your lucky colour for the lunar New Year. As you shop for your … Continue reading How to Wear Your Lucky Colour for Chinese New Year

How to Couple-Coordinate Your Outfit Without Looking Cheesy — A Valentine’s Day Special

We get it, you’re in love. But that doesn’t mean you have to wear identical t-shirts to proclaim that. Instead, raise your style game by coordinating your Valentine’s Day outfit with your other half. Coordinating your outfit with your S.O. is meant to make a statement that you’re both so in love. But there’s a chicer way to go about it. Take a leaf from … Continue reading How to Couple-Coordinate Your Outfit Without Looking Cheesy — A Valentine’s Day Special

#ZALORAStyleEdit最佳穿搭 — 2018年1月

Liyana Meer 街頭風和OOTD是時裝界的重要一環,而如何透過街拍,不經意地展現時尚自信一面亦是門高深的學問。若想拍下出色的街拍照,您必須先了解哪個風格和角度最能表現最真最美的一面。 要隨時隨地都明豔動人絕不容易,所以我們每月都會在#ZALORAStyleEdit精挑細選最出色街拍,給您一點穿搭靈感。 #ZALORAStyleEdit是個讓您展示個完美人時尚風格的平台。我們發現,每一張用了#ZALORAStyleEdit Hashtag的相片都將街頭風的精粹都發揮得淋漓盡致。以下是今個月6個最佳穿搭!(相信我們,看上去好像很容易,但做起來相當有難度!) @inner.maverick的穿搭以皮革為主題,流露出放達不羈的個性 @jo_sephinetan以條紋上衣為主調,再搭配可愛的畫家帽,看上去特別型格 @paulinanmark 展現了飄逸風格不只是可愛甜美,亦能展現自信 @x_sml證明了,黑白穿搭絕不是沉悶的選擇 @jeeradoesfashion 的街頭風格使人不得不回望 我們很想知道您的日常穿搭!在Instagram為您的造型相和開箱相加上#ZALORAStyleEdit Hashtag,下個月的最佳穿搭可能就是您! Continue reading #ZALORAStyleEdit最佳穿搭 — 2018年1月


原作者: Joyce Chua 一提到復古服飾,腦海不其然想起老土花紋連身裙。 不過,復古風格服飾已不再單指您從長輩衣櫃底偷偷取走的碎花圖案衣物。2018年的復古風結合了文藝復興時期奢華格調和現代時裝的鮮明個性,令懷舊不再老土。 今季的摩登復古風格包含浮誇新穎兩大特質:浮誇風突顯古時貴族氣派、新穎設計展現現代獨特個性,因此摩登復古風時裝加入了多個傳統細節,包括束腰、皺褶、浮誇袖和高領等,以現代剪裁設計重新演繹傳統時裝嫵媚動人的精粹。 浮誇袖 倘若您勇於嘗試新風格,又喜歡充滿玩味的穿搭,今季不如突破個人框框,為造型加入獨特個性。浮誇袖既能展現個人色彩,同時又不失高貴優雅,適合不同年紀的女士穿搭。 束腰設計 細心觀察2018年春夏系列,不難發現鄉村田園風格備受時裝界推崇。設計師以多層褶飾和俐落剪裁搭配束腰飾,使束腰不再局限於傳統,反而成為現代時裝的設計細節。 皺褶飾 事實上,皺褶是來自法國的傳統縫法,在今季成為了設計師的喜愛細節。設計師在質感和顏色發揮創意,加上大量皺褶、流蘇飾和荷葉邊等有趣而不失優雅的細節,使服飾看起來感覺清新大方,適合在不同場合穿著。 氣球袖 如果您非常注重細節美感,不妨考慮氣球袖服飾穿搭。多層褶飾使鈕扣恤衫看上去更柔和,而且相比闊荷葉邊,氣球袖顯得低調優雅。 蝴蝶結 如果想簡單快捷地為穿搭增添嫵媚感,蝴蝶結絕對是不二之選。一綁上蝴蝶結,整個穿搭瞬間看起來更優雅完整。您可以選擇輕身、順滑的布料,如棉布或綢緞作蝴蝶結,為造型帶來錦上添花的效果。 您喜歡今季哪些流行元素?在下面留言分享您的想法。 Continue reading ZALORA潮流動向:摩登復古風

How Do I Look Asia 3 – 4 Style Tricks Celebs Use To Look Taller

Original Content from Aini Shah Thread MY While we are all in embracing each other’s body-no matter what size we are, it can be understood that occasionally short ladies want to appear taller at times. And there is nothing wrong with that. Even top celebrities like Reese Witherspoon, Vanessa Hudgens, Scarlett Johansson and Anna Kendrick pull out these simple style tricks to enhance their appearances. … Continue reading How Do I Look Asia 3 – 4 Style Tricks Celebs Use To Look Taller

How Do I Look Asia 3 — Tips On How To Dress For Darker Skin Ladies

Original Content from Aini Shah Thread MY We live in a diverse country and have people of all skin tones. However, you might not realize this but the tanner and darker skin tone ladies sometimes feel overwhelmed in deciding what can work best on them. For this, colours definitely play a role. Whether you have a yellowish tone or a dark brown, play with these … Continue reading How Do I Look Asia 3 — Tips On How To Dress For Darker Skin Ladies

HOW DO I LOOK ASIA 3 — How to Look Stylish While Following the School Dress Code

Original Content from Aini Shah Thread MY Are you a full-time college student or simply continuing your studies while working? It can be difficult to flaunt your inner fashionista and still adhering to the dress code at the same time. If you have no idea on how to work your OOTD and not get in trouble, there are a few crucial fashion pieces that will … Continue reading HOW DO I LOOK ASIA 3 — How to Look Stylish While Following the School Dress Code

How Do I Look Asia 3 — How to Pair Your Fashion Pieces with White Pants

Original Content from Aini Shah Thread MY Do you want to get the clean sophisticated look? The colour white definitely will help you achieve it! It cannot be denied that some people wary of wearing a white piece of clothing as it can be easily stained. However, take the risk and pull white off with style as you can never go wrong. Here are some … Continue reading How Do I Look Asia 3 — How to Pair Your Fashion Pieces with White Pants

How Do I Look Asia 3 — How to Look Gorgeous in Fashion Winning Monochrome Pieces

Original Content from Aini Shah ZCOOP MY The fashion industry is a fast pace scene and getting up-to-date with the latest trends can be overwhelming. Looking gorgeous and in style requires a lot of effort but what should you do if you have no idea what is actually in trends? Fret no more as here we are sharing with you ways on how you can … Continue reading How Do I Look Asia 3 — How to Look Gorgeous in Fashion Winning Monochrome Pieces

HOW DO I LOOK ASIA 3 — How to Look on Point in Timeless Evergreen Trends

Orginal Content from Aini Shah ZCOOP MY It cannot be denied that once you experience a transition in life, deciding what to wear to complement your figure, personality and style can be quite overwhelming. No matter how many magazines you flip through or fashion tips tutorial you watch, you still have no idea how to pull fashion pieces together perfectly especially as fashion trends changes … Continue reading HOW DO I LOOK ASIA 3 — How to Look on Point in Timeless Evergreen Trends

How Do I Look Asia Season 3 — How to Pull a Day to Night Look in Hot Weather

Orginal Content from Aini Shah ZCOOP MY It cannot be denied that living in Asia’s hot climate country can be pretty difficult as you want to be stylish and practical at the same time. Since wearing light weight clothes are what we prefer, there are ways on how to pull that day to night look with ease. Whether you are going for a girl’s night … Continue reading How Do I Look Asia Season 3 — How to Pull a Day to Night Look in Hot Weather

How Do I Look Asia Season 3 — How to Play Different Styled Jeans Paired with Long Sleeve Tops

Orginal Content from Aini Shah ZCOOP MY Everyone knows that jeans are a must-have staple for anyone to add into your closet and a pair is just not enough. So people tend to own different colours and cuttings of jeans that they seem fit with their body. But how do we pull off these various jeans look without appearing boring and dull? Let’s take a … Continue reading How Do I Look Asia Season 3 — How to Play Different Styled Jeans Paired with Long Sleeve Tops


原作者:筱婷 義大利設計師亞曼尼(Giorgio Armani):「優雅並不是出眾,而是被人們記住。(Elegance is not standing out, but being remembered)」 想要被好好記住,重要的不是妳說了什麼,而是妳給別人的第一印象。更嚴格來說,是妳的穿著定義了別人看你的眼光。舉例來說,說到優雅大氣,是不是馬上讓妳聯想到最近隨著威廉王子出訪加拿大的凱特王妃?而說到性感妖艷,閃過腦海的是誰?金卡戴珊?蕾哈娜還是花蝴蝶瑪利亞凱莉?我們從未和她們對談卻對她們有著既定的印象,這全是因為她們的打扮體現了她們的形象,更勾勒出內在的氣質。這10款穿搭示範展現10種不一樣的形象,讓妳輕鬆選擇自己想要的造型! 1. 優雅大氣 凱特王妃堪稱是此類形象的最佳典範。放眼看去,無論是時尚界還是娛樂圈幾乎無人能夠與她一較上下。 圖片來源@hbz 套裝、連身及膝洋裝,合身的剪裁是重點。 2. 鄰家時尚 低調不誇張的剪裁設計,清新而不做作,就像女神陳妍希一樣! 3. 帥氣有型 機車外套、靴子、皮褲……就是帥氣、型格的象徵。 4. 俐落氣勢 推維多利亞貝克漢為此類型的佼佼者,相信沒有太多人會反對。線條俐落簡單的服飾,即使並非貼身款式也能展現出強大的氣場。 西裝外套、連身長褲、修身西裝褲、寬褲或配上一雙黑色細高跟鞋,完美詮釋女王的氣勢! 5. 甜美可愛 6. 隨性休閒 簡單來說,就是看起來很休閒可是不一定是毫無層次感的穿搭。以下這個就是最好的示範,協調的丹寧和白色透出effortless的時尚感。 7. 婉約溫柔 粉藍色看似樸素,卻有著一股令人覺得祥和寧靜的氣息,搭配設計簡單的短裙和信封手拿包,大方又不失禮。一身的白,婉約中還帶著清純的氣息。 8. 性感魅惑 雖然說性感不一定要露肉,但是要達成魅惑,露一點點多少會有幫助。像深V連身褲、無肩帶背心搭外套,是不是性感得很有氣勢! 9. 復古浪漫 復古感的剪裁,圓帽、雙色領和讓人想起那段學生時光的白襪黑鞋,滿滿的懷舊味道散發出濃濃的浪漫氛圍! 10. 狂野之style 豹紋、超短裙……?其實紅色外套搭皮褲也很有狂野的味道啊。 妳更喜歡哪種風格呢?歡迎留言和我們分享:) Continue reading 10款風格穿搭示範教妳穿出好印象!

5 Easily Overlooked Things When Choosing A Bali Villa

http://www.pinterest.com One of the world’s most popular destinations for those seeking sun, sand, sea, and everything else, Bali is an island and province that is home to about 4 million people. Notably termed by many as Island of God, villas are aplenty on this island and it is natural for them to pop into mind when one thinks of a vacation in Bali. From villas … Continue reading 5 Easily Overlooked Things When Choosing A Bali Villa

Whatsapp: Some Things You Should Know

By leveraging on internet connection, WhatsApp is an application that allows users to send text messages, contacts, location, videos, photos, audio files, make voice and video calls and more. Available for both IOS and Android phones, and with a haul of over 1.2 billion users (and counting) worldwide; this is by far, the most popular instant messaging application to date. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/jan/13/whatsapp-design-feature-encrypted-messages With so many of … Continue reading Whatsapp: Some Things You Should Know

第二波韓風襲港 ZALORA引入熱門韓牌

正式踏入夏季,今年韓風依舊勢行,Oversized、闊袖、外搭背心、結構感強的單品等充滿個人特色的穿搭仍然大熱不退,繼續受一眾潮人追捧。ZALORA繼去年引入多個限定韓系品牌深受大家喜愛,今年再度引進新一波韓國時裝品牌,希望大家有更新更潮的選擇! 新進韓牌包括A X A、EJnolee、NAIN、NUVO.10及Outstanding Ordinary等多個潮人期待已久的label。衣服、裙款、手袋和手錶等配飾一應俱全,輕鬆安坐家中便可入手最新最熱韓流服飾。 1. A X A 由兩位風格南轅北轍的設計師聯手打造,加起來的化學作用為設計擦出強烈火花。 設計結合簡約舒適但卻仍能營造奪目惹豔的風格,絕對是性感亮麗日常造型的不二之選。 2. NAIN 女裝品牌NAIN具時尚感而且質料上乘,設計包含多個當季流行元素,如大熱的寬腳褲、學院風,獨特剪裁突顯女性線條。品牌服飾清新簡潔不造作,最適合上班及週末假期。 3. OUTSTANDING ORDINARY 設計重視物料、顏色及剪裁之間的配搭及平衡,能同滿足喜歡具玩味街頭造型及走慵懶性感風格的女生。 順帶一提,大韓貿易投資振興公社(KOTRA)舉辦的2017香港韓流商品博覽會將於7月12日至14日於亞洲國際博覽館2號展館內舉行。欣賞宣傳大使鄭容和 (CNBLUE)、B.A.P和新晉組合Gugudan的演唱會之餘,記得到ZALORA於博覽會的Pop-up store親身看看最新的韓牌春夏單品! Continue reading 第二波韓風襲港 ZALORA引入熱門韓牌