TOPMAN AAA系列2016秋冬新品

英國潮流品牌TOPMAN帶來AAA系列的全新秋冬單品, 以簡約叛逆的紐約街頭風融合PUNK文化與HIP-HOP風格, 演繹出別具時尚氣息的全新服飾! 今季就讓破洞牛仔褲、標語T恤、當季流行色調, 塑造出屬於你的獨有風格。 1. 火紅潮流 以紅色成為本季的主打色, 令人眼紅! AAA系列棉緞棒球外套和束腳褲, 令秋日造型更添豐富的視覺感。配上黑色毛衣或連帽衛衣, 突出一身的時尚潮味。 2. 拼布元素 今季講究個性, 而以此為靈感的AAA系列牛仔外套縫上不對稱徽章, 加上粗獷的拼布牛仔褲, 讓你輕鬆展現別具一格的個人品味。配上淨色上衣, 讓外套上的徽章成為視覺唯一的焦點所在。 3. 撕破 每個人都知道, 只要一條破洞牛仔褲,一身造型就絕不會出錯。百搭性極高, 無論配襯毛衣或連帽衛衣、T恤或恤衫, 都能和它奏出協調的時尚感。 AAA系列的新款破洞毛衣, 令破洞風格提升至全新境界, 體現出DIY美學。 選購TOPMAN AAA系列 > Continue reading TOPMAN AAA系列2016秋冬新品


近來無論日本或韓國都掀起一股MA-1軍褸風潮。源於二次世界大戰的這款軍褸專為駕駛戰鬥機的美國空軍飛行員而設,設計上與棒球褸很相近,衣領、袖口及下擺都用上彈性針織細節,防風保暖,特別適合寒冷的秋冬時分。如此男性化的單品,到了今天已經進化改良,在用料、剪裁、版型上都有所改變。不少品牌更推出女裝版本,讓妳可以為打扮注入型格味道。在眾多變奏之中,軍綠色絕對是不得不買的大熱百搭設計。 版型寬鬆的MA-1軍褸最適合作boyfriend風街頭打扮。Oversize設計能夠令身形更加嬌小可人,氣場卻不減。穿著寬大外衣時應配搭較為貼身服飾,在視覺上取得更好平衡。破洞牛仔褲及運動鞋能夠令造型更加輕鬆休閒,而妳亦可配搭短裙及短靴,突顯女性魅力。 不少品牌的女裝軍褸出品都採用短身設計,剪裁亦相對修身。這種改動令外套看起來甜美可愛,就算配搭裙子都同樣好看。及膝半截裙青春活潑,配搭不同風格的鞋子能夠營造不同感覺,而外套則能為一身鄰家女孩穿搭增添層次感。即使穿著裙子,造型仍然保留一份中性韻味。 假如妳喜歡非常女性化的打扮,同樣可把這款軍褸融入到日常穿搭之中。毛衣與長紗裙優雅迷人,配上MA-1外套及黑色機車短靴後,夢幻少女感仍在,視覺上卻更加豐富。妳亦可選擇粉紅、淺灰等較為柔和的淡色系軍褸,碰撞出與別不同的時尚感覺。 編緝推薦單品:UNIQLO MA-1 BLOUSON (HK$299) 日本品牌UNIQLO一向緊貼流行走勢,今季亦有推出MA-1軍褸。左邊為男裝款式,剪裁上偏向傳統,但有三色(黑、軍綠、軍藍)選擇;右邊為女裝款式,除了用上短身設計,更提供較為罕見的淺灰色 。兩款外套都有夾棉內層,非常保暖,但最重要的是,女生們可隨心選擇男裝或女裝版型,配搭出與別不同的時尚風格。立即入手心水單品,為自己打造全新形象吧! Continue reading 入秋必備女裝外套!今季大熱MA-1軍褸

Look Out for Dorothy Perkins Style Heroes This Season

This season is about adapting the business-casual look and incorporating sporty influences to your look. Comfort and versatility are key, but with a touch of sophistication. Dorothy Perkins introduces the A/W Style Heroes to end the year on a good note! These wearables are designed to work with your favourite pieces while offering a much-needed update to refresh your wardrobe. The Pinny makes an appearance … Continue reading Look Out for Dorothy Perkins Style Heroes This Season

Must-Have Outfits To Embrace Your Curves

We are envious of ladies with a bodacious body. You can have so much fun playing dress up when you remember this key rule: emphasis on the waist. Use outfits that creates a tiny waist. By directing your vision to your top and hips, this gives an hourglass figure. Remember to pick out your favourite pair of heels! You stand taller, more confident and for … Continue reading Must-Have Outfits To Embrace Your Curves

The Key Pieces You Need To Always Make The Best First Impression

Do you avoid parties and events because the idea of dressing up for the occasion, daunts you? It can be difficult to nail down the right look for the occasion which also provides a measure of comfort. Here is a quick hack to make a great first impression every time by keeping to these three simple steps: Stick To One Colour Mixing and matching colours … Continue reading The Key Pieces You Need To Always Make The Best First Impression

What You Missed At The #MMAZM Finale

After nine weeks of scouring Instagram accounts in over six countries and narrowing down to six finalists, #MMAZM has finally come to an end. The first ever social media model scouting competition was opened on 3rd August to all female participants. Using the tag #MMAZM, we received over 1000 entries and we have to say, it was a hard decision to pick just one winner … Continue reading What You Missed At The #MMAZM Finale

Top 5 Picks Of Men Fashion

Men’s fashion is primarily about the basics. After all, when it comes to men fashion, comfort and function are the 2 main things that they look for. This season sees a couple of twists. From hoodies to trousers, designers have added that twist to add a little variation to an otherwise ordinary apparel. Bluchers Bluchers are all about comfort and this is what drives this … Continue reading Top 5 Picks Of Men Fashion

5 Mistakes You Are Making When Coordinating Colours

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to have an innate ability to match bold pinks with neon yellow and still look like a million bucks? The secret: using colour to create a focal point for your look! Looking fabulous is easy when you know the right colours to mix and match together. Instead of telling you tricks of the colour wheel, here are … Continue reading 5 Mistakes You Are Making When Coordinating Colours

注目度滿分!今期必敗至潮Adidas Stan Smith球鞋

最近重新興起的這款球鞋,絕對是今期必敗之選!緊貼潮流走勢的你,定會留意到近期大熱的百搭「小白鞋」。舒適簡約的休閒穿著配搭純白色帆布鞋或球鞋,總能流露不經意的慵懶清新感。這份風潮不但瘋魔韓國,就連於日系穿搭中都同樣常見。就如牛仔恤衫、摺腳褲、米色帆布袋、漁夫帽,小白鞋亦成為了文青風的重點單品之一。 也許是這個原因,Adidas這款以白色為主的Stan Smith球鞋也重新變得流行起來。無論在街拍或Instagram都曝光率極高的這款運動鞋是款原名為Haillet的網球鞋。1971年時世界排名第一的美國網球手Stan Smith成為代言人,鞋款亦因而得名。2014年Adidas重新推出Stan Smith鞋款,更可自訂後跟顏色,令一眾潮人愛不釋手。 這款運動鞋的後跟顏色多姿多彩,最能為造型增添低調心思。經典綠色最受潮流達人追捧(下圖鞋款為Stan Smith Men’s Original),而黑色亦同樣熱賣,近日更推出少女系粉藍、粉紅及粉綠等充滿夢幻味道的特別版,對追求獨一無二設計的你來說最好不過! 與普通白色帆布鞋不同的是,球鞋更加舒適耐穿。專為跑跳活動而設的鞋墊及鞋底能夠為腳掌提供充足承托力,配合後跟及鞋舌軟墊,就算整天穿著都不怕累壞。這款運動鞋亦正好迎合吹得正盛的sports look潮流,令你的日常打扮更加與眾不同。 除了文青打扮,Adidas Stan Smith當然亦可配搭運動風造型。女生們不妨參考首爾街頭的大熱穿搭:貨車帽、牛仔工人褲、棒球外套,配上一對白色球鞋,打扮就能立即充滿青春活力。就算是淑女風穿搭,同樣可以配搭球鞋,碰撞出不一樣的感覺。男生們則可選擇T恤及jogger pants,再外穿一件恤衫去營造層次感,並把造型重點放在球鞋上,打造陽光暖男形象。 Adidas的鞋款向來設計中性、男女合穿,最適合當成情侶鞋。如此大熱的流行單品,一於一人一對,大放閃光彈! Continue reading 注目度滿分!今期必敗至潮Adidas Stan Smith球鞋

A Professional’s Guide to Navigating Office Dress Codes

The office is a maze of subtle cardinal rules to follow for workwear. To keep it safe, keep it simple with minimalist elements to look polished. Here is a curated guide on looking sophisticated from Monday to Friday: Dresses When it comes to dresses, the major concern for working professionals is the length. Where is the line drawn between looking smart to looking like you … Continue reading A Professional’s Guide to Navigating Office Dress Codes

#MMAZM Week 8 — The Finalist Round

Presenting the Make Me A ZALORA Model brand of the week. Feel At Home Away From Home At M Social Designed by renowned French designer, Philippe Starck, M Social is an avant-garde hotel located along one of Singapore’s picturesque rivers, the Singapore River. As part of the Millennium Hotels and Resorts, this designer hotel caters to the various types of travellers with its location and … Continue reading #MMAZM Week 8 — The Finalist Round

5 Reasons To Replace Your Entire Beauty Regimen By Making Your Own Natural Oil

Have you ever counted how many skincare products are piling up in your bathroom? We all regularly fall into the tempting trap of skincare marketing. I am not blaming you here as I was the first to succumb to an appealing wording or packaging. But since I have discovered the benefits of handmade skin care, I have started realising how important quality is in our … Continue reading 5 Reasons To Replace Your Entire Beauty Regimen By Making Your Own Natural Oil

This Season’s Must-Haves To Keep Your Look Fun, Fresh and Flirty!

Looking fun, fresh and flirty is all about lace, subtle florals and of course, crop tops. You want to look exuberant and chic without going over the top. Stick to pantone’s colours of the year, periwinkle and rose quartz for that aura of sophistication. We curated a list of must-haves you need in your wardrobe to refresh your look and inject some fun into it: … Continue reading This Season’s Must-Haves To Keep Your Look Fun, Fresh and Flirty!

#MMAZM Week 7 — The Semi Finalist Round

Presenting the Make Me A ZALORA Model brand of the week. Get The Best Travel Deals With Start packing your bags and travel to your desired destinations with CheapTickets .hk. A platform for all those with a penchant for travelling and exploring the various parts of the world, you can now find everything you need to book for your trip; from air tickets to hotels … Continue reading #MMAZM Week 7 — The Semi Finalist Round

#MMAZM Week 6 Roundup

Presenting the Make Me A ZALORA Model brand of the week Tokyo Fashion Group — Kodz, Mayuki, Yoco Launched in 2004, Tokyo Fashion Group is aimed at providing women with the latest of Korean and Japanese fashion. Since then, they have risen to the international stage with their collections of unique apparel from the 3 brands under their arms; namely Kodz, Mayuki and Yoco. Kodz is a … Continue reading #MMAZM Week 6 Roundup

Taylor Hill出鏡新一季TOPSHOP廣告

TOPSHOP今季又帶來新面孔! 既是鄰家女孩又是國際模特兒的Taylor Hill, 是今季的新興潮流標誌。在科羅拉多出生成長, 現在已是紐約公民的她, 稱得上是時裝變色龍。在今次廣告中, 她輕鬆演繹今季潮流, 更帶著愛犬Tate在中央公園進行拍攝。想了解更多? 一起零距離接觸這位人氣急升的超模吧! 可以分享一下在科羅拉多的成長經歷嗎?那裡天氣超冷! 但有很多樂趣! 我和弟弟和妹妹, 關係就像朋友一樣。我們會去滑雪、爬山、坐雪橇, 又或者到處逛逛。我家位置有點偏僻, 要到最近的城市丹佛也要30分鐘, 而且也不算甚麼大城市。所以來到紐約後我感到很驚訝, 這裡的高樓大廈多得連天空也看不見! 讀書時期妳有甚麼嗜好?我很喜歡閱讀和寫作。13歲時, 我看了超過一百萬字。那時我們要在電腦上進行閱讀測試, 好像是叫「Accelerated Reader」, 它會告訴你每本書的字數。那個計劃的所有書我都看過, 然後做了測驗。其實我讀書成績不太好, 但閱讀這方面我真的很有信心。就這樣, 我就讀了足足一百萬字! 我最愛科幻小說, 特別是《哈利波特》和關於龍的《龍騎士》, 我的童年就沉醉於小說當中。 妳最近在讀甚麼書?我在看《火星任務》。看過電影後覺得故事很吸引, 人們都說書比電影更好看, 所以就開始看小說版。有時要坐短途飛機出外工作, 三四個小時又沒有電視, 我就會在機場買幾本書在飛機上看。因為經常要四處走, 很少機會可以看電視。最近大受歡迎的《權力遊戲》我還未看過。回家後我會將想看的節目存在TeVo上, 但實在是沒有太多空閒時間呢! 妳最喜歡哪一套電影?我腦海裡第一套彈出來的就是《風月俏佳人》! 然後就是迪士尼電影。可能大家覺得成年人還喜歡動畫很怪, 但我超愛《魔髮奇緣》和《魔雪奇緣》, 還有比較舊的《小美人魚》。最近和妹妹慶祝18歲生日, 我們到了迪士尼樂園, 還有環球影城的哈利波特世界。我們就像回到小時候一樣, 玩得很盡慶! 最近有甚麼時裝單品令妳愛不釋手?毛衣! Saint Laurent的豹紋毛衣是我的最愛, 薄薄的開襟外套, 很適合應付變幻不定的天氣。就算天氣冷, 我都不想穿大褸, 已經穿夠了! 所以現在我每天都帶著這件毛衣, 而且它的印花很時尚! 分享一下妳與Topshop的第一次。我記得第一次接觸Topshop, 是我第一次參加紐約時裝週的時候, 我的經理人帶我到Topshop, 然後買了一條黑色窄腳牛仔褲、一件白色背心和一雙高跟鞋給我。那時候我根本不認識Topshop, 但之後我就愛上它了! Taylor Hill性格直率、平易近人, 難怪受大眾喜愛, 人氣急升! 立即選購TOPSHOP Continue reading Taylor Hill出鏡新一季TOPSHOP廣告

Coco Chanel’s 5 Major Fashion Rules

Legendary French fashion designer Coco Chanel was a woman of many wise adages. Her inspiring quotes are very much like her classic yet forward-thinking designs. Even till today, the French style icon’s sayings continue to influence the way people think and dress. Little wonder that French dressing is remains to be something many women around the world emulate and regard as the epitome of chic. … Continue reading Coco Chanel’s 5 Major Fashion Rules

How To Not Look Like A Dude When You Go Tomboy Chic!

Going for the Tomboy Chic look may be daunting. How can you pull it off without getting mistaken for a guy?! Been there, done that. Here is a quick guide on how anyone can pull it off with just a few staple pieces! 1. White shirt A white shirt the staple is a must-have to pull of the tomboy chic look! As long as it … Continue reading How To Not Look Like A Dude When You Go Tomboy Chic!