SKIN GUIDE PART 1 || 6 Ways to a Gorgeous Glow

We all desire it. Luminous skin that seems to radiate from all angles, from every direction. Glowing skin is something desired by many, and so much so that it’s big business! The beauty industry today is worth billions of dollars worldwide and many of their products are targeted to achieving a beautiful glow. What those industries may not realize, is that getting glowing skin is … Continue reading SKIN GUIDE PART 1 || 6 Ways to a Gorgeous Glow

Oakley Green Fade Collection For The Sports Enthusiasts!

Oakley has outdone itself once again with its newest release: Green Fade Limited-Edition Collection which revolutionises lenses using Prizm technology. It enhances vision in bright conditions. No matter what conditions you may find yourself in, you are guaranteed superior optics and improved colour vision. Overlook your obstacles and perform your best with Oakley’s groundbreaking technology that makes it highly sought after by sports enthusiasts! What’s … Continue reading Oakley Green Fade Collection For The Sports Enthusiasts!

Your Essential Guide To Prints and Patterns

Prints and patterns are a woman’s worst nightmare and a stylist’s best friend. Being aware of the most suitable prints for your body shape is a good start before attempting to pair them together. There are some cardinal rules to follow. Newbies at prints should pair basics with a flamboyant print. Balance is key in the beginning. But what most guides leave out is that … Continue reading Your Essential Guide To Prints and Patterns

文青注意! 今期必備日本anello背囊!

走在街上, 不難看見這個品牌的出品。來自日本的anello以獨特設計打響名堂, 背囊出品更是人手一個, 目前已成為了一眾潮流達人的大愛單品, 風頭一時無兩。品牌背囊的特點為超輕、多功能、容量特大, 並以防水帆布物料製造, 堅固同時方便負重。除了標誌性雙手挽設計及方形品牌logo, 這款背囊其實不大起眼。能夠紅遍亞洲的原因, 到底是甚麼? anello之所以能夠成為潮流寵兒, 答案就在於人人都能找到心水選擇。品牌的基本背囊系列提供18種顏色選擇, 包括最百搭的黑色、軍綠色、白色, 亦有迷彩、湖水藍、桃紅等搶眼設計。多姿多彩的選擇配合男女合用的中性設計, 以及方便收納的超大主格、拉鏈前格及兩側貼袋, 令這款背囊變得極度易襯。無論校服或周末打扮, 顏色多多的背囊都能完美突顯你的個性, 難怪能夠成為今期最紅單品。超輕防水設計非常實用, 就算去旅行都一樣合適 。除此以外, 品牌更不斷推出新色新設計, 如海洋風條紋、獨特拼色甚至仿皮版, 只買一個又怎會足夠? 多買幾個顏色, 襯衫時更加得心應手! 帆布背囊已無法滿足到你? anello於本年秋冬推出超可愛的毛毛特別版,毛公仔般的柔軟手感必定會令你大呼kawaii! 新商品提供兩款尺寸(大號¥4,900; 小號¥4,500)及四色(米白、深灰、咖啡、深藍)選擇, 絕對是今季必入配搭。八月初上市的毛毛背囊目前已於日本官方網站有售, 喜歡的香港粉絲繼續留意樂天市場吧! (All photos from instagram: anello_bag) Continue reading 文青注意! 今期必備日本anello背囊!

5 Reasons Why Your Skincare Regime Isn’t Working

It’s easy to dispense advice like: all you need is to cleanse, tone, moisturise to have great skin; we know it’s really not as simple as just these. Many of us struggle with several skin concerns and using products that seem to work on our friends don’t always work on us. Is there no way out of this skincare rut? Of course there is! What … Continue reading 5 Reasons Why Your Skincare Regime Isn’t Working

Trend Spotlight: Sports Luxe

Sports luxe, also known as the latest game-changer that’s been taking the fashion world by storm, has been going strong for several seasons now. And little wonder why. It marries sports and luxury, and combines comfort and style in one outfit, and is incredibly versatile and wearable. Thanks to designers like Alexander Wang and Helmut Lang, sports luxe have become a mainstream trend that blurs … Continue reading Trend Spotlight: Sports Luxe

#MMAZM Week 4 Roundup

Presenting the Make Me A ZALORA Model brand of the week Esprit — Feel Good To Look Good Founded in 1968 by Susie and Doug Tompkins, Esprit is a fashion brand that is synonymous with effortless style and quality. With a strong presence in more than 40 countries, this fashion label strives in being the best casual fashion brand. Despite a strong focus on quality natural materials, … Continue reading #MMAZM Week 4 Roundup

Powerful Women Who Show Us The Right Way To Dress #likeaboss

How Do I Look is running its second season and Jeannie Mai returns to host the popular series. We cannot wait to see her dish style tips to the girls! Career women may find it tough to toe the line between professional and sophisticated. Which colours are too bright or what is the right silhouette? All your questions on how to dress right for the … Continue reading Powerful Women Who Show Us The Right Way To Dress #likeaboss

#GirlCrushSundays: Fan Bing Bing

Source: Pinterest Fan Bing Bing is a woman of several talents. Commanding the hearts of millions of fans worldwide, this illustrious lady is an actress, pop star, producer, model and fashion icon-there’s nothing she cannot do! In 2015, she conquered the Forbes list of highest paid actresses, securing the fourth place. Not only was she ahead of the likes of Hollywood A-listers such as Angelina … Continue reading #GirlCrushSundays: Fan Bing Bing

Surviving Summer with Essential Oils || Part 3 — DIY Bug Spray Recipe

Calling all DIY’ers! It has never been this easy to make a beautifully scented product yourself, until now. Bug repellant is an especially easy recipe to make since all it needs is a base of distilled water. As I’ve written previously, there are lots of essential oil options for (repelling bugs), and even essential oils to treat (bug bites). If you’re wondering “why on earth … Continue reading Surviving Summer with Essential Oils || Part 3 — DIY Bug Spray Recipe

Surviving Summer with Essential Oils || Part 1 — Bug Repellant Oils

Bugs are almost as synonymous to summer as watermelon and coconuts, just not as nice. This is prime mosquito season and you are their dessert. Pure and therapeutic grade essential oils are the best way to repel bugs’ attraction to you because they’re all natural and it works with the body to help the body work better. With the right essential oils, you don’t have … Continue reading Surviving Summer with Essential Oils || Part 1 — Bug Repellant Oils

Surviving Summer with Essential Oils || Part 2 — Bug Bite Treatments

So there was no escape. You’ve stepped into the mosquitos’ dinner party and they’ve made you their main course. Many people will just resort to using drugstore creams or ointments containing ingredients that reduce inflammation or stop the itch. Look closely at those ingredients however, and you will see that there is more than meets the eye. Hydrocortisone is an active ingredient that reduces inflammation … Continue reading Surviving Summer with Essential Oils || Part 2 — Bug Bite Treatments

Korean Premium Brands Pop-Up Exclusively On ZALORA

This season, ZALORA brings to you the hottest, most exclusive brands from the runways of South Korea. With 16 new K-fashion brands coming your way, each of them distinct in their sartorial offerings, you’ll be pretty hard pressed to not find something to your liking. 1. Lucky Chouette: Jardin de Chouette, a women’s ready to wear line created by South Korean designer Kim Jae-Hyun, served as … Continue reading Korean Premium Brands Pop-Up Exclusively On ZALORA

Let’s Patch Up: Get With The Patches Trend

Source: Pinterest Because we can’t get enough of this trend that spreads like wildfire, we’ve gathered a few neat fashion picks that are updated with the latest patchwork designs. Embroidered patches are not reserved solely for the military officials or Girl Scouts. These incredibly quirky, vibrant and quaint bits of clothing add perfection to beloved fashion staples such as denim jackets, backpacks, and plain tees. … Continue reading Let’s Patch Up: Get With The Patches Trend

Mad About Matte: How To Nail Your Matte Look

Source: Pinterest The transformational power of lipstick is not to be underestimated-it takes just two swipes of colour to make or break your look. If you’re been wearing the same shade of chapstick for the last five years, it’s time to shake things up a bit. It’s time to get yourself acquainted with: matte lipstick. Matte lipsticks have been around for a while, but has … Continue reading Mad About Matte: How To Nail Your Matte Look

彭于晏教你做打星 !

大家都知道拍攝動作片時, 高難度動作都會交給替身代勞。但台灣型男演員彭于晏 (Eddie), 在新戲《危城》中就決定親身上陣。 Eddie近日在巡迴宣傳中接受訪問, 分享他的想法。「只有這樣才能讓角色更有說服力。如果大部分動作拍攝都依賴替身, 演這個角色不就失去意義了嗎?」 被譽為「下一個李小龍」的Eddie, 在2014年電影《黃飛鴻之英雄有夢》中飾演黃飛鴻後, 再次拍攝武打片, 大展身手。在電影《危城》中, 他飾演一名豪放不羈但憑良心行事的浪人。故事講述1914年時值國家內戰、軍閥割據亂世時代, 馬鋒 (彭于晏飾) 來到了普城與保衛團團長 (劉青雲 飾) 一同對抗軍閥少帥曹少璘 (古天樂飾), 誓要保衛普城。 雖然不是武打出身, Eddie出道早期多數演出愛情片和偶像劇, 現在已成為亞洲人氣武打影星, 與洪金寶、李連杰、甄子丹和成龍不遑多讓。不過他認為是因為他的意志與堅持而不是武打技術。 Eddie對角色的認真與執著, 正是他大受讚揚的原因。今次他與大家分享了成為武打影星的六大秘訣: 1. 每日鍛鍊最多12小時 Eddie一向為每一部電影戲瞓身搏到盡, 甚至突破體能極限。他亦堅持根據角色需要學習不同技能, 令演出更有說服力。例如他為《黃飛鴻》學習功夫, 為《破風》(2015) 鍛鍊單車, 為《激戰》(2013) 學習格鬥技, 甚至為《聽說》(2009) 學習手語。 為演活《危城》馬鋒這個角色, Eddie認真學習雙刀, 就像拍攝《激戰》和《黃飛鴻》時一樣, 即使拍攝期間都日夜練習, 務求呈現出最棒的招式, 令同場演員都大感佩服。 2. 健康飲食, 刻苦鍛鍊 除了到健身房鍛鍊、為角色練習和每日慢跑 (每朝早一小時起床, 爭取時間在開鏡前跑步) 外, Eddie會跟足營養餐單, 吸收大量蛋白質, 低脂低糖。他保持身型的動力部分是源自角色需要, 亦因為他非常熱愛健身。 問到他的唯一弱點, 「我很愛吃朱古力和雪糕, 不過拍戲期間我都會戒掉。」 3. 不斷嘗試 《危城》中一個只有兩秒的墮馬鏡頭, Eddie拍了超過20次, 因為他想動作看起來更搞笑和自然。袁泉在中國首映宣傳中就表示十分欣賞他, 覺得他超敬業。 開場那段撃退暴徒的鏡頭, 因為武術指導洪金寶覺得可以做得更好, … Continue reading 彭于晏教你做打星 !

Perfume: A Guide To Your Signature Scent

Zeroing in on a signature perfume or cologne can be a real struggle. As it takes plenty of research and experimentation to find a scent that is the very extension of your heart and soul, the task may seem quite overwhelming to some. If you’re a noob when it comes to fragrance, you’re in luck! We’ve come up with a handy guide to finding your … Continue reading Perfume: A Guide To Your Signature Scent

ZALORA 獨家! 韓國潮流品牌Pop-Up

本季ZALORA為你獨家引進韓國最炙手可熱的時尚品牌。一共16個韓牌即將登場, 每個都有著自己獨一無二的魅力, 必有一款擄獲你的心! 1. Lucky Chouette 韓國Jardin de Chouette的副品牌, 由韓國設計師金在賢 (譯音, Kim Jae-Hyun) 創辦。Chouette在法文裡有「貓頭鷹」之意, 因此也成為了該品牌的代表圖騰。Lucky Chouette主打smart、休閒青春的風格路線, 充滿街頭塗鴉感的個性服飾與配件繽紛好看, 迎合年輕族群的喜好。剪裁大膽而前衛, 如oversized上衣與飄逸短傘裙。除了個性鮮明的印花, 你也能看到貫穿整個系列的可愛貓頭鷹身影。 2. Rocket X Lunch ROCKET X LUNCH 以充滿90年代風輪廓, 略帶boxy剪裁與色調鮮豔的服飾吸引潮人目光, 而不只是依賴logo來打響名號。作為新晉設計師品牌, ROCKET X LUNCH相當多產, 每年推出4個系列, 在韓國與國際舞台上都極為活躍。趣味性設計, 搶眼細節與流行性元素, ROCKET X LUNCH是潮人眼中兼具時尚、質感與平價的品牌。 3. Among Among注重衣服與人之間的關係: 穿著者、設計師以及欣賞者。為了在芸芸品牌中嶄露頭角, Among堅持在平凡中演繹出不平凡的設計。偏柔和色調與boxy的剪裁, 有趣而富有個性感, 他們家的衣服都有著不一般的故事性。 4. Recto 由Jung Ji Yeon創立的韓國新晉品牌。RECTO是印刷術語, 在法語裡意指一張紙的正面, 象徵著品牌的開創之旅。Recto同時也傳遞了正式與中性互相融合的抽象意義。對於中性, Recto自有一套見解: 將男裝與女裝的輪廓結合, 柔美卻硬朗。簡約鮮明的剪裁, 大膽的色調讓性別界限變得更模糊。 5.MAG&LOGAN 韓國著名設計師品牌, 經典又極具女人味。夫妻檔合創的Mag and Logan被譽為「紅地氈№1晚禮服」, 深受明星藝人喜愛, 亦是首爾時裝週的常客。 6. … Continue reading ZALORA 獨家! 韓國潮流品牌Pop-Up