ZALORA 獨家! 韓國潮流品牌Pop-Up

本季ZALORA為你獨家引進韓國最炙手可熱的時尚品牌。一共16個韓牌即將登場, 每個都有著自己獨一無二的魅力, 必有一款擄獲你的心! 1. Lucky Chouette 韓國Jardin de Chouette的副品牌, 由韓國設計師金在賢 (譯音, Kim Jae-Hyun) 創辦。Chouette在法文裡有「貓頭鷹」之意, 因此也成為了該品牌的代表圖騰。Lucky Chouette主打smart、休閒青春的風格路線, 充滿街頭塗鴉感的個性服飾與配件繽紛好看, 迎合年輕族群的喜好。剪裁大膽而前衛, 如oversized上衣與飄逸短傘裙。除了個性鮮明的印花, 你也能看到貫穿整個系列的可愛貓頭鷹身影。 2. Rocket X Lunch ROCKET X LUNCH 以充滿90年代風輪廓, 略帶boxy剪裁與色調鮮豔的服飾吸引潮人目光, 而不只是依賴logo來打響名號。作為新晉設計師品牌, ROCKET X LUNCH相當多產, 每年推出4個系列, 在韓國與國際舞台上都極為活躍。趣味性設計, 搶眼細節與流行性元素, ROCKET X LUNCH是潮人眼中兼具時尚、質感與平價的品牌。 3. Among Among注重衣服與人之間的關係: 穿著者、設計師以及欣賞者。為了在芸芸品牌中嶄露頭角, Among堅持在平凡中演繹出不平凡的設計。偏柔和色調與boxy的剪裁, 有趣而富有個性感, 他們家的衣服都有著不一般的故事性。 4. Recto 由Jung Ji Yeon創立的韓國新晉品牌。RECTO是印刷術語, 在法語裡意指一張紙的正面, 象徵著品牌的開創之旅。Recto同時也傳遞了正式與中性互相融合的抽象意義。對於中性, Recto自有一套見解: 將男裝與女裝的輪廓結合, 柔美卻硬朗。簡約鮮明的剪裁, 大膽的色調讓性別界限變得更模糊。 5.MAG&LOGAN 韓國著名設計師品牌, 經典又極具女人味。夫妻檔合創的Mag and Logan被譽為「紅地氈№1晚禮服」, 深受明星藝人喜愛, 亦是首爾時裝週的常客。 6. … Continue reading ZALORA 獨家! 韓國潮流品牌Pop-Up

COLLEGE 101: Advice For Every Freshman

Going off to college marks the beginning of a fresh start, even if you’re in your sophomore or senior years. Each semester brings new promise and opportunity. For freshmen, college can appear intimidating, and the unfamiliarity of the environment, coupled with the newfound freedom can prove to be a sort of sensory overload. To get the most out of college, here are a few things … Continue reading COLLEGE 101: Advice For Every Freshman

#MMAZM Week 2 Roundup

Revealing the Make Me A ZALORA Model brand of the week Sigma — Defining Beauty With innovation at the forefront of their mission, Sigma is a beauty product brand that aims to take beauty products to a whole new level with functional concepts for the makeup industry. Founded in 2009 by Brazilians, Rene Xavier Filho and Simone Xavier, each with engineering background and veterinarian and research respectively … Continue reading #MMAZM Week 2 Roundup

Keeping the 90s Alive With Cotton On

Cotton On designs the ultimate apparel with a summery vibe. Get ready to reinvent 90s’ styles by giving them a retro sporty twist. Incorporating vibrant colours, this collection is nothing short of energetic and lively. This August, get ready to go back to the 90s with Cotton On’s latest range. Inspired by the famous downtown LA grunge and skate culture, the collection incorporates a muted … Continue reading Keeping the 90s Alive With Cotton On

Get Yourself Those Luscious Locks You’ve Always Wanted

Every day is a good hair day with ghd’s range of hairstyling products. A product of the United Kingdom, ghd is a trailblazer in the hair styling industry. Luscious curls, playful locks and powerfully straight, ghd’s high powered tools are the ideal companion to your hair-styling journey. Enjoy the advances in technology to give you perfectly coiffed hair from the comfort of your own home. … Continue reading Get Yourself Those Luscious Locks You’ve Always Wanted

Transform Your Look With These Lip Colours

Source: Pinterest “Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick.” — Gwyneth Paltrow Lipstick has the amazing transformative power of being able to change women’s moods drastically, in a positive way of course. Thanks to all the shades of lipstick being displayed on this year’s runway, we all now know the impact of bold lips upon the overall … Continue reading Transform Your Look With These Lip Colours

Simple And Easy Ways To Lose Weight

It’s not that hard to cut down on excess calories. A few tiny adjustments to your diets will suffice-you’ll be seeing the results in no time! Refer to these four simple calorie-cutting tips and tricks to help achieve your weight loss goals! 1. Bye Bye Sugary Drinks: Ladies and gentlemen, you’ll be surprised at how much sugar your can of Coca Cola and Minute Maid … Continue reading Simple And Easy Ways To Lose Weight

The Revival Of Clumpy Lashes

Source: Pinterest When one mentions the word “clumpy lashes”, we already know what you’re thinking of. The words “makeup disaster” and “makeup noob” are probably running through your head. Luckily for all those who have seemingly little to no luck with makeup, clumpy eyelashes are actually a big deal in the fashion world! For this occurence, you have Twiggy and Barbara Streisand to thank, whose … Continue reading The Revival Of Clumpy Lashes

Watermelon Beaded Bangles Bracelet DIY

Summer in Hong Kong comes with incredibly high temperatures this year and I wasn’t against a little bit of freshness when I designed this bracelet. I have to admit I couldn’t resist this summer’s watermelon trend! Its bright and vivid colours are such a delight for the eyes in this season, I thought it would make a nice summer bracelet pattern. I choose the watermelon … Continue reading Watermelon Beaded Bangles Bracelet DIY


If you’ve ever desired to dress like your favourite hallyu stars, Stylenanda is one brand you ought to acquaint yourself with. The brand has come a long way since its blogshop origins in the earlier years of the 21st century, and has gone to become one of South Korea’s most celebrated retailers. Specializing in street style and casualwear, Stylenanda’s creations are playful and sexy. Featuring … Continue reading BRAND TO KNOW: STYLENANDA

Nerdy Is In: It’s Back To School With These Smart Pieces

Source: Pinterest Move aside, prepsters. Nerd is in, and it’s time to get with all things geeky. If you want in, get out your pen and paper and note down this piece of sartorial advice 1. Sassy specs: Being a four eyed creature is in vogue, and you’d be surprised at the number of people wear glasses without actually needing them. (Fake nerd glasses, anyone?) … Continue reading Nerdy Is In: It’s Back To School With These Smart Pieces

Suits For Women: How To Nail The Tailored Look!

The immediate thought upon mentioning suits is the corporate office, business meetings and interviews. However, there has to be a second thought given here. Suits are meant for you to flaunt your powerful fashion symbol! It is time for you to rock them with a great pair of heels and not just keep them for special occassions. The suit has been worn by numerous celebrities … Continue reading Suits For Women: How To Nail The Tailored Look!

When You’re Pretty Tough: Tomboy Chic

Source: Pinterest So you’re hella tough (at least, that is how you would like to portray yourself), but you’re secretly a fluffy pink marshmallow inside. How do you reconcile these polarizing aspects of your personality? By dressing it out, of course! No, Tomboy chic has nothing to do with dressing like a boy (power to you if you love draping yourself in men’s clothes). Yes, … Continue reading When You’re Pretty Tough: Tomboy Chic

What To Expect When Your Favourite Novel Becomes A Movie

There’s no doubt about the fact that a movie with a great storyline makes for an entertaining watch. Once a novel becomes a best-seller, it makes complete sense for its screen adaptation to take place, thus tapping onto the novel’s already existing fanbase, and even creating new fans. Book to film adaptations are not a new phenomenon, with readers creating casting predictions based on their … Continue reading What To Expect When Your Favourite Novel Becomes A Movie

Relationships: More Than Just Love?

Ever wondered what makes a relationship strong enough to last a lifetime? It cannot be just love! Other elements like hard work is needed for a satisfying, joyous and healthy relationship. The married couples in our social circle are the ones who teach us about relationship beyond just love and it is only fair that we thank them for the lessons they have taught us. … Continue reading Relationships: More Than Just Love?

Superfoods || Summer Edition Part I

Choosing Summer Superfoods Superfoods are wonderful, but knowing when to eat them is the real wisdom. How do you choose what foods to eat and when to eat them exactly? Well, just look out your window! Summer has a particular weather pattern of being hot and dry or hot and humid. There are superfoods which compliment these weather conditions wonderfully in order to keep your … Continue reading Superfoods || Summer Edition Part I