3 Important Reasons To Exfoliate Skin

Taking note of what we wear, whether they are trendy new tops or bottoms, is imperative in nailing the look of a well-dressed fashionista. But caring for your skin is equally important. Most of us tend to just stick to the same skin care basics: cleanse, moisturise and sun protection. But there is also another crucial part of our skincare routine that we shouldn’t neglect: exfoliation. In cosmetology, exfoliation refers to removing the dead skin cells on our skin’s uppermost outer layer to reveal the newer skin underneath. Some might not think that it is worth doing, but here we have some reasons on why you definitely should!

1. Counteract signs of ageing

Our skin has a natural exfoliation process called keratinisation where the outermost layer of the skin flakes off to reveal newer skin underneath. Although we naturally shed dead skin cells (but not like a snake’s drastic shedding of skin), this cycle starts to slow down as we age. Routine exfoliation aids this natural process along and helps get rid of the old dead cells on the top most layer, so that the skin doesn’t get laden with dull and dry dead skin cells that cause wrinkles and fine lines to look more obvious. Say hello to brighter, younger-looking skin!

2. Smoother, clearer skin

For those who want smoother skin and a more even skin tone, exfoliation is the way to go. When the layer of dry, dead cells and any other impurities on the skin’s surface is sloughed away, the new cells underneath can emerge and brighter skin is revealed. This process also helps with skin discolouration by balancing uneven skin tone and pigmentation. Using a scrub to exfoliate your face also cleans out and unclogs your pores, preventing oil from getting trapped under the skin’s surface, which also helps to keep blackheads, whiteheads and pimple breakouts at bay.

3. Better absorption of skincare products

Skin that is blocked by layers of dirt and dead skin cells do not allow all the goodness of skincare products to seep through the innermost epidermis layers and work their magic as easily. So if you always skip exfoliation, no matter how many overpriced skincare products you use, you might find that they would not be able to give your skin the nourishment that it’s supposed to.

While there are all these benefits, you shouldn’t overdo it. Those with oily skin can get away with more frequent exfoliation, but remember that everyone’s skin reacts differently to different products, pressure and frequency. So if your skin becomes inflamed, go easy on your skin and get a milder scrub more suitable for sensitive skin.

Do you exfoliate regularly? What are you favourite types of exfoliating products? Share with us in the comments section below!

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