3 Tips For Getting Started On Your Fitness Journey

We’ve heard it: strong is the new sexy. And we all want to look good in all those new clothes that we buy. But to a beginner at fitness, things can be quite confusing. Cardio or weights? Steady or high intensity? If you’ve joined a gym, watching beefy guys lift 10x your weight can be intimidating (I speak from experience, although I’ve found that most people are happy to lend a hand and share their knowledge). So where do you start?

Disclaimer: This is not meant to substitute actual medical advice. If you have not exercised at a strenuous or regular pace for some time, it may be best to consult your health professional.

1. Align your fitness journey with your personality

Before you jump into the latest exercise fad, consider your general personality. Are you the type who likes to socialize and meet new people? Maybe a team sport or group exercise like yoga might suit you. Do you enjoy spending time indoors or outdoors? Figuring this out will help make the transition into a fitness routine more natural.

2. Do one thing healthier every day

You’re excited to get in shape and ready to roll and climb all the necessary hills to achieve your ideal body. Then, the realization that you might have to eat chicken breasts and steamed veggies for the rest of your life sinks in, and your willpower wilts, just a little.

The secret to a sustainable fitness journey is starting small. Switch up one part in your normal routine for a healthier alternative. Move a little bit more, climb the stairs instead of riding the elevator, and don’t be afraid to take your time to finish that 5km run.

Your willpower is a little like your energy level in a video game. If you fight too many bad guys at Stage 1, you’ll run out of HP quickly. Your strategy should be to take one bad guy at first, level up and get stronger to tackle more bad guys!

3. Eat healthier, but have a cheat meal every now and then

My brother always says, “Abs are made in the kitchen.” Again, you don’t have to eat steamed everything right away — sustainability is key. Insert healthier choices, such as substituting potato chips with raw almonds, or candy with fruit instead. Once in a pre-set period, have a cheat meal (in moderation!) so that you don’t feel too deprived.

What other methods have you found useful in starting your fitness journey? Share them with us!

PS: Yiwei has also written a post on 6 ways to wear June’s birthstone, check it out here!

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