6 Beauty Tips For The Woman On The Go

If you’re a woman with a jam-packed schedule, you might find that you’re slacking off on maintaining a proper beauty routine. Fret not-there are some essential items you can carry with you at all times, thus allowing you to have a beauty regimen on the go! Make some space in your handbag for these skincare essentials:

1. Sunblock:

There’s no escaping the harsh UV rays of the suns, except for using sunblock. If you are unaware of the detrimental effects of UV rays on your skin, here they are: whilst sunburn and tanning are the most noticeable effects, insidious effects such as premature aging and skin cancer can also develop. Yikes! Since it’s better safe than sorry, go ahead and slap on some sunscreen if you intend to stay outdoors for a while.

2. Blotting papers:

Unless you have dry skin, your face is probably going to look very shiny by the time it’s midday. Refrain from repeated rubbing your face with tissue paper, and opt for blotting paper instead. Extremely effective in removing all the dirt, oil and grime from your face, blotting paper will be your saviour, especially if you have a sudden meeting or an after-work rendezvous.

3. Tinted lip balm:

Offices, or any air-conditioned rooms can be harmful for your skin as the stale air in the rooms lead to dry, chapped lips. It’s good to be able to reach out for that trusty lip-balm hidden away in your office drawer. But do you know what’s better than lip balm? Tinted lip balm! Killing two birds with one stone, tinted lip balm not only moisturizes your lips, but also adds a pop of colour. You can also use tinted lip balm as an alternative for a blush-just dab some on your cheeks and you’re good to go!

4. Mascara:

One of the most essential beauty staples out there, mascara can work wonders for your tired peepers, by not only infusing some much-needed life into your eyes, but also by enhancing the natural beauty of your eyes. Apply a few coats of mascara, and watch your eyes come to life.

5. Concealer:

If you’re insecure about those dark patches or beauty spots on your face, concealer is here to save the day. Masking out those blotchy eye circles due to the all-nighter you had to pull, eye concealer is your also a great substitute for foundation, especially if the foundation might have been rubbed off during the day.

6. Hand Cream:

As mentioned before, being in an air-conditioned room the entire day is probably not the best for your skin, as it can leads to peeling cuticles and fine lines. If all that sounds horrific, invest in some fragrant hand cream for great smelling hands.

What are some of YOUR beauty essentials? How many basic items do you have in your makeup kit? Share your thoughts in the Comments section below!

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