Original Content from Bea Punzala Thread PH
Oh hello, corporate!

They say first impressions last and that, my dear friend, is so incredibly TRUE during interviews. Whether it may be for an internship, applying for a new job or even a promotion, making yourself appear decent is something that will firstly form your character in their eyes.
Of course, it can be tricky to when you’re trying to look both professional and fashionable, but it’s do-able and that’s what we’re here for!

Read on to chase your fashion woes away!
1. Back Down To Earth

They say bright colored clothes look unprofessional when you’re in the work force, most especially if you’re going in for an interview. Those big bosses and your interviewee are both probably drawn to darker toned colors. Stick to earth colors like maroon, navy blue, black, gray. This color palette looks more put together and fitting for the corporate world.
2. Hello, Trousers

Whether you’re applying in a corporate company, a start-up or a fashion company, it’s best to stay safe. Trousers like cigarette pants and culottes suit instances like these well. Not only are they fashionable but they’re also extremely comfortable. It’s best to stay comfy when you’re being asked things about yourself!
3. Stay In The Minimalist Lane

Take the trousers game with a minimalist approach. Prints are allowed but don’t make them too loud. Muted floral patterns and stripes are definitely alright for interviews just as long as you don’t layer them on with even more patterns.
No loud colors please!
4. Keep It At Bay

Got something designer? Alright, great! Keep them at home and in your room. Editors from Vogue said that they always look for subtlety in whoever they interview as they think you’ll look more approachable in that way. Flashing designer items or something that look REALLY expensive may give them the wrong impression… So, just avoid that at all costs.
5. Tuck Your Shirts IN!

Tucking your tops into your pants or into your skirt will help make your outfit turn into something more professional-looking.
Tip: Avoid oversized tops! They may help you look a bit lazy.
6. Slide Into Mules

Mules are the perfect way for your feet to stay comfy for the most nerve-wrecking twenty minutes of your life. They’re also perfect to match with a pair of trousers and/or skirts!
Check out our article all about sliders: Doing It In Slides: The Quick Guide to Sliders
7. Confidence
Wear a smile and greet them well! Leave your “shy type ako” at home and become a professional. You’re here and you’re definitely one step closer, that’s one thing that’s for sure.
Slay that interview with the best accessory any lady boss can wear, herself.

That’s it! Hope nothing but the best for you on your interview! You, for sure, got this in the bag.
Give us your first interview tips down in the comments section below!