A shining, shimmering, splendid year for makeup.
Original Content from Bea Punzalan Thread PH

Makeup, like fashion, has always been a way for you to boost your confidence and express your personality. This year, we’re seeing that taken to the next level with bold, experimental trends that play around with different colors and textures.
Here’s a rundown of five makeup trends you should try now:
1. Glow In Gold

After all the buzz surrounding Fenty Beauty’s Killawatt in Trophy Wife, it’s no surprise that gold highlighters are on the rise. That level of hypermetallic might seem like too much, but trust us: you’ll look stunning when the sun hits your face.
Just keep it simple — a quick, light swipe should do the trick — so you don’t blind people with your glow.
2. Glossy Lids
Okay, we know what you’re thinking. Putting lip gloss on your eyelids? But the finished product is actually quite pretty — look at that texture! — and it’s super easy to do, too.
The trick? Pick a clear lipgloss with a formula that isn’t sticky and isn’t too glossy. After swiping your favorite eyeshadow on your lids, apply a small amount of the lipgloss above it.
3. Pop of Color

No-makeup-makeup won’t ever go out of style, but bright makeup is making a resurgence. Now’s the perfect time to experiment with bold lippies and neon eyeshadows.
Start with Pantone’s Color of the Year — doing your eyeliner in ultraviolet instead of your usual black makes for a fun way to accessorize on your next night out.
4. Inner Eye Highlights
It’s a well-known beauty tip that adding a subtle highlight on the inner corners of your eyes will make them appear bigger and brighter. This year? We’re ditching the subtle and taking it up a notch with bolder colors. Think pink, orange, and of course, gold.
5. Twiggy Lashes
Don’t be afraid — this isn’t a makeup disaster caused by clumpy mascara. If done right, like Twiggy did in the ’60s, spider lashes can actually look quite natural.
The trend mimics a doll’s eyelashes, spreading out the bottom lashes and separating them. Depending on how long your eyelashes are, mascara alone might not do the trick, so go for falsies to get the full look.
And that’s it! Five makeup trends to have you shining, shimmering, and splendid this 2018.
Ready to start experimenting? Check out makeup on ZALORA for that gold highlighter or clear lip gloss, and let us know how it goes in the comments section below!