Fool Proof Pick Up Lines To Use At The Gym!

Gyms are a place to work on our body and its not meant for us to mix romance with fitness. Thus heading to the gym just to meet someone is often looked upon in the bad light. Conversely, gym is probably the easiest place that you could meet fit people and thus be easily attracted to someone without caution. Therefore there are times you have to use some flirty lines when you break your own virtues.

Here are some fool proof pickup lines to use them when you need to!

1. “Could you show me on how to use (an equipment of your choice)?

This sounds like a no-brainer and something so natural and coincidental that will let you win the the attention you wanted! However, make sure that you don’t use it on a newbie at the gym or someone who has already seen you use the equipment to safe the emabarassment!

2. “Could you spot me into this?”

People at the gym are always willing to help one another and this is your chance to grab attention. Simply initiate to ask for help and romance will start to blossom on a simple note of a helping hand! Be the first to contact and the rest will be a breeze.

3. “Don’t spend time on the treadmill because you were running through my mind the whole day’’

Although it sounds a little creepy on the first note, if your partner is a cheesy person, you should give it a shot! The way you manipulate it into the conversation determines whether it is creepy or not. Don’t be a creep by lingering over to her back and whisper into her ears. Keep it subtle by making it casual. You never know! You could just be lucky enough to win this one!

4. The simple “hi” and “bye”

If you don’t wish to try hard, just keep it simple. Just an easy “hi”and “bye” could do the trick! Try acknowledging the person every time you meet them at the gym. To your surprise, regular acknowledgement might earn the attention from your partner and this will make way for greater things to happen later! So be friendly and kick start a conversation.

5. “I’m going to get some water, would you want me to help you refill yours too?’’

Only use this if you are right next to your eye candy. Don’t shout across the gym to get the attention of your partner. It will be a little weird to help a random person out of your way. So stay away from anything that makes you sound outright. Instead keep it subtle. Giving a helping hand will always make you seem like a caring person who is humble and considerate.

When you are using the pick-up lines, keep it as natural as you can. If everything else doesn’t work out, don’t be demotivated! Remember that you are at least working out and improving your body at the gym!

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