How To Help Your Skin Recover After A Night Out

Tips to keep yourself looking fresh even when you aren’t feeling your best

Photo from Unsplash

By this time, the strobe lights are out and everyone’s back on the grind. Maybe you had one too many nights you can’t remember or still have that recollection of yourself cleaning up bottles of wine on New Year’s Eve. Whether you are the caretaker of your friends after their 10th vodka shot or the one they have to usher out of a bar at 3 am, there’s really no judgment from our part. But it’s all fun and games until you see yourself in the mirror –raccoon eyes, a burgeoning zit, and dry skin. Here are tips you can look back at all year long to keep yourself looking fresh after all your sleepless evenings.

Tea Bags

To address the issue of puffy eyes, dip two tea bags in hot water. Green tea is a great option since it is loaded with caffeine which helps diminish swelling by regulating blood flow. When the bags are cooler, put them over your eyes for around 5 minutes. No tea available? Put spoons in the freezer the night before, and pop them out the morning after. Instant eye masks that can be bought from drug stores are also effective!


Too much alcohol can run you the risk of dry skin. Alcohol is a natural diuretic which means that it forces liquid out of your body (that’s why you pee a lot when you drink). To put it simply, less water retention = less skin moisture. Stock up on your most trusted moisturizer, and slather it on before proceeding with your usual makeup routine.

Colored Concealer

You know what they say, “fake it ‘till you make it.” If curing your skin hangover naturally doesn’t work, dab some colored concealer to correct the redness on your face. For other concerns, choose the color that complements the hue of what you are trying to hide. An example is how purple concealer to mask the underlying blue hues of dark circles.


Bring out your highlighter to replace the natural glow that was stripped off by dehydration. Add shimmer to your brow bones, upper cheeks, and a moderate amount on the bridge of your nose. Remember not to go over the top, or else you’ll end up as though you’re fresh out of the fryer.

Hike Up the H20

Last, but should definitely not be the least, drink water more than what you regularly consume. You owe your body the hydration it’s silently begging for. This one’s probably the quickest and cheapest way to restore your skin’s condition.

Cheers to less beer, and a healthier year!

By Melissa Tan from THREAD PH


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