How To Pull Off Your Cuffed Jeans: Men’s Edition

As long as the human population continues to thrive on this planet (and wear jeans), the practice of rolling up one’s jeans in order to show off footwear of just to escape from the heat, isn’t going to be dying out anytime soon.

Before you stoop down to roll back your cuffs, read these tips first:

Do: Wear jeans that fit! Ditch the baggy 90s boy band style pants, as they look sloppy and unrefined at best.

Don’t: Wear pants that are too short or overly long. Short pants look like capris if they are cuffed, and excessively lengthy pants look chunky if they are overcuffed.

Do: Pair your jeans with a nice pair of sneakers or loafers. Cuffed jeans highlight your shoes even more than usual, so make sure that your shoes are eye-grabbing for all the right reasons.

Dont’: Wear your cuffs excessively tight, unless you enjoy feeling really uncomfortable.

Do: Refrain from overcuffing. If you find yourself have to roll back your jeans so many times that they look like little denim balloons, maybe it’s time for a trip to the tailor.

Don’t: Be afraid to learn and experiment. Cuffing is an art, and one that requires time and patience. Add in a dash of confidence, and you are all set to rock those cuffed jeans!

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