Know Your Fashion Inside Out — Interview With Anger

We have seen Anger do some outrageous things on Inside Out. A truly passionate character. Today we sit down with Anger to find out what is his fashion inspiration and some of his favourite fashion trends over the years.

Interviewer (I): Hi Anger, how have you been?
Anger (A): I have been better.

I: So we usually see you looking smart in a shirt and trousers. Is that how you dress on the days you stay-in?
A: I believe you have to look your best no matter what. You never know who will see you.

I: What is a beauty routine that is a must for you?
A: What do you mean? It’s not working?!

I: No, I am just wondering how did you get your hair to look silky smooth?
A: Ohh, well that it easy. I always blow-dry it. The heat seems to keep my hair tame. And of course, regular steaming of it. I just did it before the movie premiere.

I: Wow, that must take a lot of diligence on your part.
A: When you look this good, any effort to maintain it is not a problem at all.

I: What is one fashion pet peeve that you have?
A: A wrinkled shirt. The creases. Why can’t you just iron the shirt?! It will only take you an extra minute to get the wrinkles out. ONE MINUTE.

I: Let’s move on to a less upsetting topic. Who is your fashion inspiration?
A: I don’t have one but I do love this one brand, Marc Jacobs. I am absolutely passionate about all the products from this brand.

I: What is your fashion motto?
A: It would have to be you need a strong colour to make you feel powerful. I always feel my best when I am dressed in red.

I: What is one fashion advice you would give to our readers?
A: Always go for a brand that knows you and half the battle in won when you dress in a colour you look great in.

I: Thanks Anger for your time!
A: Welcome.

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