Know Your Fashion Inside Out — Interview With Joy

For the next two weeks we have an absolute treat for you! Join us as we talk to the gang from Inside Out and find out what their fashion instinct and how do they decide on their outfit choice every day.

Joy will start off our series. So keen on finding out what is her must-have accessory?

Interviewer (I): Hi Joy, it is so nice to finally meet you!
Joy (J): Thanks! I have been looking forward to this and I picked out my favourite green mini dress for today.

I: Well you look great! But this…looks like the same dress you wore in the movie.
J: My wardrobe is full of green dresses, if you look close enough you will see the subtle differences.

I: I am going to guess here, you love the colour green?
J: YES! It is the colour of LIFE. And I love life, don’t you? It is an energetic colour, so full of happiness…like me!

I: Yes indeed, so how do decide which green dress to wear?
J: I just go with my mood and the occasion. If I am meeting friends, I would pick one with floral patterns. But if I am going out on a date, floral sequins to bring out my smile!

I: Do you match your dress to your accessory or you accessory to your dress?
J: Always accessory to your dress. Accessories are like garnishes to the outfit. It is a small component but necessary. It gives your look the flair it needs!

I: Who would you say is your style icon?
J: I really like the girl-next-door look, the sweet and demure charm to it. I usually follow the looks of Jennifer Anniston, Emma Watson and Jennifer Love Hewitt. Their outfit lets their personality and charm shine through and that is exactly how I see my style.

I: What is one fashion trick you have learned?
J: Ever wondered how my pixie cut always has volume and shine? It is easy! I use a secret homemade hair mask once a week. And I use a special hair brush that is meant for my hair type.

I: Any chance we can getin on that secret?
J: *Laughs* Nice try! As much as I want to, this recipe is one that was passed down to my from my grandmother. In fact, she was a fashionista in her day.

I: Do you occasionally raid her closet?
J: As a kid, yes. Before I developed a taste for florals and sequins. But my grandmother has a bold look. I do like to mix up my style once in a while with her accessories.

I: Well, that is all the time we have left. Thanks for your time Joy!
J: It was a pleasure to meet you!

Liked Joy’s style? Introduce her to new patterns in the comments section below!

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