Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick!

We catch up with Cotton On Body’s January collaborator, Fernwood Women’s Fitness, for all-important hints and tips to help us hit the ground running this New Year.

It’s that time of year again — time to close one chapter of your life and welcome 2016 with a bang! Christmas is over, the champagne is back in the cupboard and your 2016 diary is staring up at you with empty pages full of possibility and promise. So, how will you make this year count? What will your 2016 New Year’s resolutions be?

The start of a new year is a time for self-reflection. What can you do differently in 2016 to have an even better year, or what are some of the changes you want (or need) to make?

It’s said around 40 percent of people resolve to do something differently each year, with the most popular resolutions centered around improving physical wellbeing: losing weight, exercising more, eating better, drinking less alcohol, and getting rid of old bad habits that are holding you back. But as great as our intentions are on January 1, it’s reported that only 8 percent of people actually achieve their New Year’s goals.

So how do you avoid ending up in the 92 percent majority that fail to reach their goals?

1: Keep it simple
Even if your 2016 New Year’s resolution involves ticking off items on a large bucket list or undergoing an extreme makeover — start small. Sometimes when a task is too big it becomes overwhelming, we don’t know where to begin, and it can actually work against us. Start with one thing. Just as you would when working through a daily to do list, choose one goal and direct your focus there.

2: Make it clear and measurable
If you’re one of the many women this year making the resolution to lose weight, make sure you make your goal specific and measurable. The goal of ‘losing weight’ has no clear parameters. How much are you going to lose? When will you lose it by? How will you lose it? On the other hand if you make the resolution to, ‘lose 1 kilogram each week by sticking to a meal plan and avoiding all alcohol,’ you know exactly how much weight you will lose, how you will lose it, and when you will lose it by. In fact, you’ve got more than a goal; you’ve got a method and you’ve got deadlines — that weight is going to shift!

3: Write it down
Now you know what you want, write it down and stick it somewhere you’re going to see it every day. What you focus on is what you attract into your life, so little reminders (like a post-it note on your desktop with your goal) will help keep your goal front and centre in your mind and help you attract what you want into your life.

So — over to you… What will you accomplish in 2016?

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