Run Your Own Show — Diets To Get You Runway-Ready

Models are the star of all runway shows — they strut down fiercely and command all our attention. Their bodies serve as the perfect canvas for the fashion pieces that have been painstakingly conceptualised and executed. But beyond just staying fit and getting the fashion pieces to fit right on these models, work has also got to be done prior to the runway show.

So if you are hoping to emulate the same model-esque qualities for that special occasions, here are some different diet options that you can explore to help you stay healthy and get in shape for that runway-ready look.

This is one dieting fad that has been gaining tremendous popularity over the years. Those who are bored of consuming cooked fruits and vegetables can explore this equally delicious option of turning them into juice. Particularly popular is the cold-pressed juices, which is said to retain much more nutritional value. Juicing can bring about many benefits which include cleaner dietary tract, stronger immunity system and a glowing complexion and is exactly what you need to looking camera ready. However, we wouldn’t recommend swopping your solid food entirely for juices. Complement juicing with a healthy diet for the best of both worlds.

As ridiculous as it might sound, this new dieting fad has been gaining popularity. Essentially an amalgamation of the words ‘flexible’ and ‘vegetarian’, this diet is exactly as it sounds like — vegetarians who are aren’t as strict and picky with hat they eat. With a focus on a plant-based diet, flexitarians incorporate varying amounts of meat depending on their personal preference. Don’t be quick to dismiss this as a vegetarian’s excuse to fall off the wagon — research has found that people who adopt this semi-vegetarian diet have a lower BMI reading and are less prone to heart diseases. This purposeful move away from a meat-heavy diet is the perfect way for people who wish to change their unhealthy eating habits without giving up protein entirely.

Paleo diet
While the world might be progressing, it seems that this dieting trend is regressing instead. A paleo diet is one that is based on food that our ancestors could find in the early years. It refrains from anything refined and processed, such as cereal and dairy products. Items such as fish, poultry, fruits and vegetables are staples in this diet. By keeping to an almost primal diet, you are eliminating a whole group of food that contain preservatives, colouring and artificial chemicals that might be harmful to your body. Proponents of this diet believe that the lean meat and and natural food source can give you sustained levels of energy and lead to an overall healthier body.

Baby food diet
Yes, you heard right. This is an actual diet for adults. Rumoured to have been started by celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson, this diet involves swopping one or two meals a day with baby food instead. Rather than being a weight loss plan, eating baby food for some meals is more of a maintenance plan to help sustain the weight that you’ve already lost. Besides, if its good enough for the delicate tummies of babies, it’ll be good enough for you.

What are some dieting tips that you swear by to help you get runway-ready? Share it with us in the comments section down below.

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