Stop! You’re Washing Your Face All Wrong

Washing your face is of utmost importance, we all know that. Not putting enough effort into maintaining your skin can result in a variety of problems, such as acne, clogged pores, excess oil, etc. A good wash can help in the prevention of bad skin. However, the question is whether or not you are caring for your skin in the right way.

Improper facial washing can result in a host of skin concerns: dryness, wrinkles, fine lines and the like. In order to avoid bad skin, here’s what you should be doing instead.

1. Choose The Right Skin Cleanser

Every skin type requires a cleanser suited to its needs. For oily skin, a gel or water based cleanser is the best solution as it helps eliminate excess sebum without stripping the skin of its natural oils. For dry skin, a cream based cleanser will restore the necessary oils and moisture to the skin. Avoid bar soaps at all costs as they can be extremely harsh for the skin.

2. Keep Your Hands Clean

You might to think twice before touching your face-your hands are a bustling hub of bacterial activity. According to studies, women’s hands have more bacteria than men’s(sorry ladies!). To avoid polluting your lovely visage, always keep your hands clean.

3. Over Exfoliating Is a No-No.

While exfoliation is essential for removing dead skin cells, too much exfoliation can cause much damage to your skin. For maximum results, exfoliate only 2–3 times a week. Anything more than this can result in dried up skin.

4. Not Too Cold, Not Too Hot

Extremes are never good, and the same goes for your skin. Use lukewarm water to keep your skin healthy and happy. Avoid washing your face with water that is either stone cold or piping hot.

5. Pat, Not Rub

Vigourously rubbing your delicate skin with a washcloth or sponge may prove counterproductive to your goal of baby-soft, glowing skin. Use a soft towel to dry your face by gently patting it. 

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