The Revival Of Clumpy Lashes

Source: Pinterest

When one mentions the word “clumpy lashes”, we already know what you’re thinking of. The words “makeup disaster” and “makeup noob” are probably running through your head. Luckily for all those who have seemingly little to no luck with makeup, clumpy eyelashes are actually a big deal in the fashion world! For this occurence, you have Twiggy and Barbara Streisand to thank, whose thick lashes were all the rage in the Sixties and Seventies, along with their pixie cuts and thick-set eyeliner, respectively.

There has been a resurgence of the trends, with several designers choosing to feature their models in thick lashes, opting for mascaras whose specialty is clumpy eyes. Get with this trend, and read up on a few tips to work those lashes:

1. Applying the mascara to get that clumpy look is fairly simple. Hold the mascara wand parallel to your lash line and stroke the mascara back and forth rather than in one direction. This way, the mascara you apply on the first swipe will move towards the end of your lashes and back.

1. Achieving the clumpy look is not that hard. Holding the mascara wand parallel to your lashes, apply the mascara back and forth, rather than sticking to a single direction (usually upwards for most people.) The mascara you applied on the first stroke will be shifted towards the upper end of your lashes, and accumulate there.

2. To add a bit more contrast and thickness to your lashes, dot your upper lash line with the darkest, blackest eyeliner you possess. This will create the illusion that you’ve exerted minimal effort in doing your makeup.

2. To thicken your lashes even further, take in hand the blackest shade of eyeliner you possess and paint all over the edge of your eyelid (the part where the lashes are attached to the lid.) Your eyes will assume a darker, bolder look.

3. With clumpy lashes go bold eyebrows. While both looks lend to your face a sense of stark contrast, clumpy lashes and bold eyebrows bring out the best features in your face, which are your eyes.

4. If you want to highlight your eyes, you probably wouldn’t want to highlight any other part of your face. Leave the rest of your face relatively untouched, and refrain from applying excess makeup in the form of blush and foundation. Try to look as natural as possible. For your lips, a light pink or mauve colour will keep you from looking washed out. If you really want a pop of colour on your face, opt for a bright red shade.

What are your tips to obtain clumpy lashes? Let us know in the comments below!

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