Want Glowing Skin? Get Fruity!

Previously, you all read about the goodness of certain fruits for overall health in this article, but did you know that there is much more than you can do with these fruits? For instance, you can turn them into a beauty accessory! Yes, that’s right, you can create wonderful face packs and masks with fruits, and a few other simple household ingredients. Skip the exorbitant parlour visit, and treat yourself to an inexpensive beauty regimen in the comfort of your own home-your wallet will thank you later.

1. Apples: You do not have to necessarily ingest an apple to reap its nutritional benefits. Chop up an apple into smaller slices and place in a blender, along with a cup of water. Add a few tablespoons of honey to the mixture, and mix together well. Voila! You are now ready to apply this wondrous mixture onto your face, in order to achieve a glowing visage.

Apply all over your face, and leave it on for around 20–30 minutes. Honey, a natural anti-bacterial, is extremely nourishing for your skin. If you are prone to dry skin, replace honey with plain yoghurt instead, as its lactic acid content soothes your skin and firms up your pores. Repeat this on a weekly or a bi-weekly basis for maximum effect!

2. Oranges: Instead of mindlessly tossing the beautiful, nutrient rich peel of the orange into the garbage, save it instead and use it to enhance your visage. While making this face pack from scratch is a tad bit time consuming, it is worth it if you are invested in your skin. Remember to remove the white fibrous portion from the inside of the peel, soak the peel in warm water and allow it to dry for a day or two.

3. Strawberry:” Make a face pack out of strawberries? But why can’t I just use a strawberry face wash instead?” You might ask. Using the natural source instead of a synthesized product (face wash) chock full of chemicals will reap greater benefits for your skin.

Plump and juicy, these fruits can be mashed easily with the back of a spoon. Add a spoonful of plain yoghurt to the pulpy mix, and stir well. Apply this on your face, and wash off after 15 minutes. The plain yoghurt can be replaced with honey.The citric acid in strawberries will leave you with fresher, younger looking skin and plump, luscious lips in no time.

4. Passionfruit: Not just a fancy fruit eaten for desert, passionfruits aid in keeping the skin firm, young and supple due to its vitamin C and anti-oxidant content. Non-greasy and non-clogging, its oil are perfect for all types of skin, especially for the those who are prone to acne. It is this nature of passionfruits which makes it such a great ingredient in face packs and cosmetics. Aloe vera and passionfruit team up to make a great mask.

However, if aloe vera is not accessible, the juice of the passionfruit makes for a great mask on its own. Juicing the fruit might be a handful, but worth the effort. Slice the fruit in half, scoop out the insides and place it in a blender. Separate the seeds from the blended product using a sieve. Honey is another great ingredient which works with fruit packs, and can be used in this case. Mix the honey and the passionfruit pulp together, apply the mixture on your face and wash off after 20 minutes.

5. Banana: Another fruit with a magical peel, bananas are great for tackling acne and whitening your teeth. That’s right-banana peels are nature’s teeth whiteners, a far more economical alternative to the usual teeth whitening procedures. After eating the banana, rub the inside of the peel on your teeth for a duration of 10 minutes.

Keep this up on a regular basis and you should see results. For treatment of acne, rub the inside of the peel on the offending pimple for about 10 minutes, daily. The same trick works for fine lines and wrinkles.There is no need to blend, juice or slice the banana-just mashing the ripe fruit helps. Apply the mixture on your face, and wash it off after 15 minutes. You will be rewarded with soft, radiant skin.

This is our list of fruity face packs! Got a recipe to share with us? Let us know in the comments below!

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