ZALORA Scholarship Winner

Darren, Lam In On


Fashion and Science are terms we seldom mention in the same breath. Tracing back to the history, the concept of fashion has been changing dramatically from time to time. Breakthroughs of designers or change in social preference are ordinary driving force, but not science. Until 20th century, as technology becomes more advanced, designers often take advantage of science in the course of shaping fashion.

Coco Chanel, a famous designer, once said,

Fashion is always of the time in which you live. It is not something standing alone.

Science is undoubtedly the contemporary element of fashion. It can also be shown by the partnership between technological companies and Christian Dior. This article will pinpoint three main influence of science on fashion, namely, innovative products, fashionable illusion and fashion development.


Designers often attempt to incorporate science and technology into their designs, which appear to be more modern and distinctive. The blushing dress wore by Lady Gaga, sparkling T-shirts, automatic lacing system of Nike Shoes are some of the examples.

About clothing…

Above all, sprayable fabric is a fantastic combination of science and fashion. This unique technology, invented by Dr. Manel Torres who is a Spanish fashion designer, allows different shapes and outlines of fabrics to be sprayed on the body. It is different from body paint, which is difficult to be cleaned. After spraying, the fabric is like a layer of skin on the body that is easily peeled off. This product allows consumers to design their own patterns without using toxic and inconvenient body paint.

Accessories, vitamins of fashion…

Apart from clothing, fashion also includes wearable products such as jewellery, watches, handbags and the like. Apple has already taken the initiative in watch industry by introducing high-tech Apple watch, which is distinguished from conventional watches focused only on the shape and materials. This helps Apple (as a new competitor in the watch industry compared to other brands) gain a substantial part of the market share quickly. It shows how science influences fashion and the success of the relevant company. Nevertheless, jewellery, handbags and so on are the areas of fashion not yet explored. It can be a golden opportunity for companies to get success by integrating science into fashion on those products.


Designs of clothes based on physical and scientific angle is a fashion trend. Sometimes, people are frustrated of their body shape, for example, too short. If they understand the importance of angles in physics and science, they can alleviate such problems and appear to be more desirable. For example, short female may follow the singer, Victoria Beckham, to wear wasp-waisted clothes with few layers to look taller. Companies doing fashion business usually utilize such features to design clothes that appear to be taller and thinner. Once again, science is incorporated into fashion according to the dressing desire of consumers.


Apart from the direct influence of science, science also indirectly facilitates the development of fashion. Internet is an obvious example of it. There are currently many online retailing shops selling fashionable products. Not only does the Internet technology speed up the sale and purchase of those products, it also helps the local fashion trend spread all over the world. ZALORA is a good instance. ZALORA, with fast growth rate after establishment about three years ago, introduced ZALORA Marketplace in 2014 allowing local designers, including Tina Lau who is a well-known Hong Kong local designer, to sell their products on the website platform. It helps the exploration of local designs and gives precious opportunities to local designers to sell and share their fashionable products, which is an important assistance and motivation for them. The Internet technology thus facilitates the fashion development.

Internet x Fashion…

Also, on the Internet, there is much exchange of fashion ideas like sharing by designers and videos about fashion designs. Some of them even help local designers, who are lack of experience in business, to establish their own brands. An example would be the workshops teaching how to build up brand image on the Internet provided by ZALORA as an online shopping mall. All these help spread the sense of fashion to other people, which is conducive to the development of the fashion industry.

Final words…

Science is actually highly correlated with fashion. It encourages more high-tech and innovative products, more desirable dressing style and fashion, and more exchange of fashion ideas. In this new era, science is and is going to be a more integral part of fashion. Companies related to the fashion business, which take advantage of the advancement of science and technology, are likely to gain great success in the near future.

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