Nerdy Is In: It’s Back To School With These Smart Pieces

Source: Pinterest Move aside, prepsters. Nerd is in, and it’s time to get with all things geeky. If you want in, get out your pen and paper and note down this piece of sartorial advice 1. Sassy specs: Being a four eyed creature is in vogue, and you’d be surprised at the number of people wear glasses without actually needing them. (Fake nerd glasses, anyone?) … Continue reading Nerdy Is In: It’s Back To School With These Smart Pieces

When You’re Pretty Tough: Tomboy Chic

Source: Pinterest So you’re hella tough (at least, that is how you would like to portray yourself), but you’re secretly a fluffy pink marshmallow inside. How do you reconcile these polarizing aspects of your personality? By dressing it out, of course! No, Tomboy chic has nothing to do with dressing like a boy (power to you if you love draping yourself in men’s clothes). Yes, … Continue reading When You’re Pretty Tough: Tomboy Chic