[Beauty 101] The Five Steps to Perfect Flawless Skin

Original Content from THREAD MY It is everyone’s dream to achieve that perfect flawless skin without having to cover the imperfections of your face with makeup. But what people don’t realize that it needs commitment in your daily beauty routine to see the flawless skin results. As we are always exposed to the humid weather, dirt, sweat and oil, it is important to up keep … Continue reading [Beauty 101] The Five Steps to Perfect Flawless Skin


Original Content from THREAD TW Photo by Garon Piceli from Pexels 漫漫長夏,秋天怎麼還不來?悶熱的天氣,除了每日大汗臨頭,頭皮還瘋狂出油,真叫人懊惱不已! 夏日高溫會使頭皮毛囊分泌過多皮脂,使頭髮看起來油膩、扁塌,而且毫無生氣。帶著一頭沒有蓬鬆感的髮絲跟男友約會,真是超尷尬! 在這熱氣逼人的季節,要控制頭皮出油,讓頭髮保持蓬鬆柔順感,不妨先從改善生活習慣下手。只要避開以下5個NG習慣,即使豔陽高照,你還是可以維持女神形象,長髮飄飄走在大街上! 每天洗頭 https://media.giphy.com/media/26FfkdM6UtnTnOn1C/giphy.gif 洗頭這件事,不少人都存有一個迷思:天天洗頭是好習慣。其實頭髮不需要每日洗,那會洗掉保護頭皮的油脂,使頭皮分泌更多皮脂滋潤頭皮,讓妳的頭髮越洗越油。 如太頻密洗臉會導致臉部狂出油的道理一樣,皮膚需保留一定的油脂,否則皮脂分泌會更旺盛。因此減少洗髮次數,改為2–3天洗一次即可。 過度護髮 https://media.giphy.com/media/l0IyjDGdSzYr9tBf2/giphy.gif 洗頭後進行護髮程序,可為頭髮注入營養,使頭髮不易斷裂、分岔和掉落。但過度使用護髮乳會給頭皮帶來負擔,有可能造成頭皮毛囊阻塞,導致頭皮大出油。 建議取適量的護髮素抹在髮尾處,然後徹底沖洗乾淨。 時時梳頭 保持頭髮整齊是基本禮儀,梳頭可刺激頭皮,讓髮絲更強韌光滑。不過頭皮若容易出油,反應減少梳髮次數,否則會刺激頭皮分泌更多油脂。 此外,梳完頭髮一定要記得清理梳子。梳子太髒或糾纏著一堆頭髮,在下次梳頭時會把污垢和油脂附在乾淨的頭髮上,這樣永遠都擺脫不了油頭宿命。 造型產品 https://media.giphy.com/media/G1R83Z6XL7b20/giphy.gif 含大量化學成分的髮膠、定型液等造型產品,容易造成毛囊阻塞,導致頭皮出油,減少使用美髮產品可減少頭皮負擔。 如果無法避免使用,記得在事後徹底清洗頭髮以及定期為頭皮去角質,保持頭皮健康。 刺激飲食 credit: Pexels 頭皮容易出油,有可能是不健康的飲食習慣所致。 建議儘量少吃一些油膩、辛辣的重口味食物,這些將刺激內分泌和皮脂腺,導致皮膚容易出油,包括頭皮部分。 https://media.giphy.com/media/l0HlAVIUS9raf1jwc/giphy.gif 你有其他改善頭皮出油的妙招嗎?留言告訴我們吧! READ MORE: Continue reading 夏天頭髮狂出油?解救油膩髮絲,先戒掉這5個NG習慣

9 Skincare Mistakes You Might Be Making

You might be doing more harm than good! Original Content from Thread SG Photo by Isabell Winter on Unsplash One thing the beauty world is obsessed with right now is skincare. Every individual has a personal journey when it comes to skincare since what might work for one might have different results for another. Your skin is the largest organ on your body and taking care of … Continue reading 9 Skincare Mistakes You Might Be Making


Original Content from Thread SG 誰不想要健康、容光煥發的肌膚? 然而,保持肌膚有光澤並不是件容易的事。 無論是長久以來積累所得或是一直存在,不少人都被黯淡膚色的問題困擾。 事實是,有各種因素都會導致皮膚暗沉。 好消息是,這個問題可以糾正。 所以,如果你想讓自己肌膚散發光彩,就看以下的tips吧! 常飲水 雖然是老生常談,但依然值得強調。 如果你的H2O攝入量不足夠,皮膚會誠實告訴你。 不僅僅是當你發現皮膚失去自然光澤時才做,反而應每天堅持喝推薦的8至12杯水。 充足睡眠 睡眠不足是導致皮膚暗沉的另一個主要原因。 當身體疲勞時,皮膚得到較少適當的血液流量和/或所需氧氣。 這會導致發炎、黑眼圈和就像你一樣疲憊的肌膚。 花時間去角質 這是絕對不應跳過的一步。 去角質通過去除死皮細胞,令皮膚更有活力,從而擁有清新和健康的肌膚。 考慮氣候因素 暗沉肌膚的最大元兇就是環境侵害,如空氣污染、紫外線和雾霾等。我們所能做的就是保護好皮膚。 這些污染物會促進氧化並分解膠原蛋白,導致皮膚失去光澤。 因此,持續的護膚習慣至關重要。 最重要的是,每天都要用防曬霜,並在飲食中加入維他命C,令皮膚吸飽營養。 保持心境平和 壓力除了對我們內裡產生負面影響之外,也會浮出水面顯露在外。 時刻在緊張狀態會阻礙血液流動,令氧氣未能輸送到皮膚。 為了緩解緊張,可以嘗試在臉上冷敷,或者給自己一個快速而有效的按摩,特別注意你的太陽穴、下顎和眼眶。 常塗保濕霜 除了每天喝8到12杯水補充水分外,你的皮膚還需要一些額外的水分。 因此,請記住每天至少塗一次保濕霜,若想肌膚煥發光彩,塗兩次就最好不過了。 READ MORE: Continue reading 美容快遞:肌膚暗淡無光?恢復煥彩美肌的秘訣就在這裡!

BEAUTY QUICKIE: The Lowdown on Eye Bags and Dark Circles

Original Content from Thread SG Nothing makes us look more worn out than dark circles and puffy eyes. But what exactly causes them and how do we alleviate the problem? Here’s the lowdown on eye bags, and the solutions to banish them for good: About Your Eyes Did you know? The skin around your eyes is about three to five times thinner than the rest of … Continue reading BEAUTY QUICKIE: The Lowdown on Eye Bags and Dark Circles

Get Your Glow On: 6 Steps for a Naturally Dewy Makeup Look

Original Content from Darcel Anastasia Al Anthony Thread SG “Dewy”, “radiant”, and “glowing” are just some terms to describe the mainstream idea of beauty. Another one? Natural. Rather than caking one’s face with foundation and powder, many have resorted to a no-makeup makeup look. This means using makeup products to cover up blemishes while giving a bright and wide-eyed look without making it obvious that … Continue reading Get Your Glow On: 6 Steps for a Naturally Dewy Makeup Look

Beauty 101: Five Essentials To Fit In A Handy Makeup Kit

Original Content from Sreya Sanyal Thread SG So you have arrived to work with your Best Face Forward — lipstick, check; eyeliner, on fleek; hair, shining brighter than Rihanna’s proverbial diamond. Too bad it doesn’t stay this way for more than a few hours (thanks a lot, air-con, food, and natural elements). Which is why we have to carry out make-up essentials to maintain face. Fret not — you … Continue reading Beauty 101: Five Essentials To Fit In A Handy Makeup Kit

Beauty 101: Four Lipstick Shades To Explore (Which Are Not Red)

Original Content from Sreya Sanyal Thread SG When shopping for lipsticks, we tend to be partial towards one shade or the other. This leads to a build-up of lipsticks of the same colour — resulting in a monotonous look. Don’t be afraid to switch it up a little — there are tons of other shades to explore even if you’re working within the confines of an office environment. Here … Continue reading Beauty 101: Four Lipstick Shades To Explore (Which Are Not Red)

BEAUTY QUICKIE: Is Your Skin Dry or Dehydrated? (Yes, there’s a Difference!)

Original Content from Thread SG Photo by Francesca Hotchin on Unsplash Did you know that there is a difference between having dry skin and dehydrated skin? The basic difference is that dry skin requires more oil while dehydrated skin needs more water. Two different solutions for two very different skin conditions. Countering either of them with the wrong solution is not only futile, but may also … Continue reading BEAUTY QUICKIE: Is Your Skin Dry or Dehydrated? (Yes, there’s a Difference!)

BEAUTY QUICKIE: 3 Makeup Products You Need for Hot Weather

Original Content from Thread SG It’s hard to keep your makeup on all day in sunny Singapore. What with the humidity and heat, we not only have to contend with frizzy or limp hair (depending on your hair type), but also perspiration — endless perspiration. Sometimes, even before you’ve stepped into the office, your makeup has already melted off! To counter this problem, here are some melt-proof … Continue reading BEAUTY QUICKIE: 3 Makeup Products You Need for Hot Weather