4 Romantic Beauty Looks to Try This Valentine’s Day

If you clicked on this topic is whether a) you have a date with your significant other or b) you have plans with your friends for example a dinner reservation. It does not matter which one of your plans is, what matters is that we got you covered on your perfect hair and makeup combo for this year’s Valentine’s Day celebration. Read down below for … Continue reading 4 Romantic Beauty Looks to Try This Valentine’s Day


你的臉絕對會感激這一切 Photo by Noah Buscher/Unsplash 不少人都會不惜一切去加強他們的護膚程序,以求皮膚好得像發光一樣,包括試一下好多都來自網上,聽起來挺瘋狂或駭人聽聞的方法。無可否認,有時從雪櫃中隨便拿出一些材料抹在臉上是相當有趣的(Hello,牛油果和乳酪),而其中好些美容秘技的確令人獲益良。然而,與此同時亦有很多所謂「絕技」可能會有反效果,令你的肌膚受到重創。 以下是你絕對需要避開的護膚地雷: 1. 用牙膏消除暗瘡 幾乎所有人都有被這個秘技欺騙過:用牙膏消除討厭的暗瘡。事實上,牙膏充滿刺激性成分,例如過氧化物、薄荷、酒精和香料,猶如潘多拉的盒子一樣,可以預見會是場大災難。當然,它可能有助消除那粒大暗瘡,但亦會損害周圍健康的皮膚,長遠來說會刺激皮膚。 正確方法: 用真正治療暗瘡的產品,例如茶樹油或痘痘貼,能針對性地解決問題,又不會對周遭的皮膚造成太大傷害。 2. 用椰子油當保濕霜 這個方法可能最具爭議性,尤其現在椰子油實在太普遍了。如果你打算下廚、揉入頭皮按摩或滋潤乾燥的手腳,椰子油固然好用,但當面部的保濕霜?如果你aim at爆瘡,那就去馬吧!我們只能說,阻塞的毛孔就是你的結局。 正確方法: 如果你需要密集式的補充皮膚水分,不妨試試有防粉刺配方(non-comedogenic)的產品,尤其椰子油實際上含有相當高導致粉刺的成分。要選擇的話,可以由乳木果油、摩洛哥堅果油和荷荷巴油入手。 3. 用檸檬或青檸汁去死皮 你知道一滴檸檬汁就能讓你呲牙咧嘴嗎? 如果你將這些超酸性液體放上臉,下場就如同你的嘴一樣,全部皺起來。 這些原始檸檬酸過於刺激,如果你走在陽光下,很可能會引起化學反應,如皮疹,、嚴重曬傷或色素沉澱而引起雀斑。 正確方法: 用適當的去角質產品去除死皮細胞,而不是像磨砂一樣的物理去角質,因為那樣會損傷皮膚,所以我們建議使用含有AHA或視黃醇等活性成分的化學去角質商品。 你還可以嘗試維他命C的精華液,有提亮效果之餘,亦不會有檸檬的副作用。 4. 用除臭劑打造啞面妝容 我們甚至不知為何這個技巧會如此廣泛流傳,但如果你不顧一切地想要打造啞緻效果,除臭劑根本就無濟於事。 除臭劑是止汗劑,意味著它們可以抑制流汗,而不是控油。 這些成分會讓你的皮膚受到刺激,然後堵塞毛孔。 正確方法: 尋找有啞光效果的底霜,或者用透明蜜粉定妝。 Benefit Matte Rescue毛孔啞緻底霜 | Innisfree 控油啞緻無瑕底霜 5. 用酒精當爽膚水 毫無疑問,酒精對所有皮膚類型都有害。 酒精可能看來很吸引——上面感覺輕盈,好像對皮膚無負擔,而且可以去除油脂和污垢。 它通常用於清潔和消毒傷口,味道亦很好聞,但實際上並沒有清潔或調節你的皮膚。 相反,它會剝掉你所有的天然油脂,還會破壞皮膚的天然屏障,導致皮膚過於乾燥而變得脆弱和敏感。 正確方法: 使用卸妝潔膚水潔膚,既有效又補濕。你的爽膚水亦應該溫和無酒精。 6. 用髮型噴霧定妝 許多美妝KOL都建議用髮型噴霧來定妝,但這可能會對你的皮膚造成長期傷害。髮型噴霧中的醇類(酒精)和亮漆會刺激和榨乾皮膚的水分,甚至出現紅色腫塊。 正確方法: 簡單易明的道理:如果它不是為你的臉而做的,請不要用於臉上。 用正常的定妝噴霧即可。 Jane Iredale 清肌保濕噴霧 | BEAUTYMAKER 零油光完美持妝噴霧 7. 用黑頭貼 黑頭是最頭疼麻煩的,所以我們理解有人會想盡辦法嘗試任何產品來阻止它們 ——雖然看到撕下來的黑頭貼佈滿你的「戰績」,當下會非常有滿足感,但其實這一切都不值得。當然,你成功擺脫毛孔中所有討厭的黑頭,但實際上在過程中你不斷拉扯皮膚。 正確方法: 治本的方法——使用BHA產品清除毛孔中的所有噁心的粘液。 … Continue reading 8個護膚地雷,你絕對要避開!

How To Help Your Skin Recover After A Night Out

Tips to keep yourself looking fresh even when you aren’t feeling your best Photo from Unsplash By this time, the strobe lights are out and everyone’s back on the grind. Maybe you had one too many nights you can’t remember or still have that recollection of yourself cleaning up bottles of wine on New Year’s Eve. Whether you are the caretaker of your friends after their 10th … Continue reading How To Help Your Skin Recover After A Night Out

You’re Doing It Wrong: Powder Edition

4 common powder blunders and how to fix them Photo by gabrielle cole/Unsplash Applying powder on your face sounds as straightforward as it gets. It may seem like such a simple concept — get a brush, dip it in the powder, sweep it over your face, and viola, right? Wrong. Doing it aimlessly will make you look washed out, cakey, or overly-dry. To avoid that, here’s our guide … Continue reading You’re Doing It Wrong: Powder Edition


韓妹嘅化妝必備品 Photo by Anna Baker/Unsplash By Nica Dobles from THREAD PH 一提起韓妝,很多人肯定會聯想起護膚。韓妹最令人印象深刻的,就是他們清透又有光澤的皮膚,而一切全靠10個(或更多)的日常護膚步驟。 對比起來,韓妝可能沒那麼流行,但同樣創新。韓妹一向奉行裸妝,所以他們少少的功夫已經非常有效果。 如果你對韓式妝容潮流一無所知,我們為你整理了4款新手必備單品,令你更容易入手! Cushion 氣墊粉餅 BEAUTYMAKER 新一代零油光晶漾持妝氣墊粉餅SPF40 | Klairs 麻糬BB氣墊粉餅 韓國化妝品最出名之一就是bb cream,到近幾年已經進化成最新一代的cushion。基本上就是一塊海綿浸泡在粉底液裡面,再附贈一塊專用的粉撲以輕拍上面。 氣墊粉餅去旅行更是一流,不但便於攜帶,還可以隨時隨地補妝。有別於一般的粉底液或有色隔離霜,氣墊粉餅的配方令妝容更輕盈透薄。加上不少品牌都會加入補濕和防紫外線的成分,令氣墊粉餅完美集護膚與化妝於一身。 眉筆 Benefit Precisely, My Brow 立體塑形眉筆 | Jane Iredale 雙頭伸縮眉筆 眉毛亦是韓國人妝容重點,但化妝手法不像歐美女性般。相反,她們喜歡比較自然的眉形,只會輕輕幾筆填滿眉毛空隙。 為方便起見,可以選擇無需削刨的旋轉式軟眉筆,最好另一頭帶有螺旋形刷頭。跟著自己的原生眉髮淺淺描繪,再用螺旋頭輕力暈染即可。 唇液 Benefit Chachatint 果漾胭脂水 | VIDI VICI 漆彩瀅亮液體唇膏 同樣地,唇液亦是首選的唇部產品,質地非常適合打造年輕有活力的妝容。加分位:通常包裝和顏色一樣cute。 防曬霜 Celranico 水珠滿滿防曬霜 | Klairs 美肌粉藍防曬 韓國美妝中,最抗衰老的護膚品當屬防曬霜。真心,它不僅可以減少皮膚癌的機率,還可以保護你免受皺紋和色素沉澱的傷害。 韓國防曬霜成分輕盈,通常具有額外的護膚功效,如保濕和控油。 此外,這些防曬霜通常都是多功能,換句話說就是可以防止UVA(PA)和UVB(SPF)輻射。 READ MORE: Continue reading 4件一定要有嘅韓國化妝品

Beauty 101: Makeup Routine To Cover Up Blemishes

In this video tutorial, we’ll teach you how to look flawless for your holiday photos By Ana Valenzuela from THREAD PH Having problems with dark spots, acne, and other blemishes? Of course, the best solution is a good and targeted skincare routine, but it can take months for full results. But if you’re in need of a quick fix, especially with the holiday season (and all the … Continue reading Beauty 101: Makeup Routine To Cover Up Blemishes

The Beginner’s Guide To Patch Testing Skincare Products

The oft-ignored but essential rule for building an effective skincare routine Photo by Ali Marel/Unsplash By Nica Dobles from THREAD PH When you hear rave reviews for a certain skincare product, it can be tempting to hit Add to Cart right away and begin applying the product as soon as it arrives on your doorstep. But this immediate, enthusiastic adoption can lead you down a road of … Continue reading The Beginner’s Guide To Patch Testing Skincare Products

Tips to Take Care of Your Colour-treated Hair

By Myraaaaawr from THREAD MY You can upgrade your look by colouring your hair. To make your hair dye last longer, proper hair care is important. Taking care of your hair not only can make your hair dye colour lasts longer but it will also make your hair strong and healthy. Here are some tips that you can apply to take care of your colour-treated hair. … Continue reading Tips to Take Care of Your Colour-treated Hair

Beauty 101: What’s Your Skin Type?

And how to tailor your skincare routine accordingly Photo by Coline Haslé/Unsplash By Nica Dobles from THREAD PH The first step to starting any skincare routine is understanding your skin — the most basic part of which is figuring out what your skin type is. Get it wrong, and all those shiny new products you invested in are useless at best and harmful at worst. Keep on scrolling … Continue reading Beauty 101: What’s Your Skin Type?

Beauty Looks for the Holidays

Cop these scene-stealing makeup trends now By Melissa Tan from THREAD PH Christmas is finally just around the corner! Preparations for the most festive season have begun though we have to admit, some have probably been doing so since September! Recently, traffic is probably tighter as people crowd their favorite malls to shop for gifts, greens and reds dominate store displays, and Mariah Carey’s “All I Want … Continue reading Beauty Looks for the Holidays