Style Staple: The Maxi Dress

5 maxi dress styles you should try Original Content from THREAD PH Photo by Pete Bellis/Unsplash Maxi dresses are known to be summer staples, but this effortless piece can take your wardrobe to a whole other level all year long. Providing more coverage than your standard dress, but enough breeze and flow for warm weather, these dresses should be your go-to uniform if you want a … Continue reading Style Staple: The Maxi Dress

EXPLORER SPIRIT: Banana Republic’s Fall/Winter 2018 Collection

Original Content from THREAD SG Known for its quintessentially American style, Banana Republic presents its new collection this season with a stronger focus on versatile fabrics and timeless designs. The Fall/Winter 2018 collection is the epitome of the modern American style, and its new campaign exalts “a life with no boundaries”. The collection revives classic, well-loved styles with a modern twist while maintaining its legacy … Continue reading EXPLORER SPIRIT: Banana Republic’s Fall/Winter 2018 Collection

How to Find the Perfect Jeans For Your Body Type

Original Content from Thread SG We all know the power of a great pair of jeans. It can instantly transform our outfit and our mood, making us look more polished and feel more confident. However, finding that special pair of jeans can be tough for those of us not built like a supermodel. There’s no magical pair that works for all of us like in … Continue reading How to Find the Perfect Jeans For Your Body Type

STYLE QUICKIE: How to Pull Off Crop Tops in Any Body Shape

Original Content from Thread SG Crop tops, though a trending summer wardrobe staple, are probably one of the most anxiety-inducing things to wear. Many women worry that their body type are not suitable for crop tops and thus shy away from them. We say, the clothes are meant to suit us, not us to it. And so we have devised ways for any body shape … Continue reading STYLE QUICKIE: How to Pull Off Crop Tops in Any Body Shape

Beyond Basics: 5 Brands That Do Prints Right For the Guys

Original Content from Daniel Loy Thread SG Imaxtree Streetwear It’s out with the plain and in with the prints in the world of men’s fashion trends. From tropical to floral and even abstract designs, the dudes are killing it in hits of colour right now. Whether it’s next to lush greenery or the blue waters by the riviera, prints are perfect for summer and add … Continue reading Beyond Basics: 5 Brands That Do Prints Right For the Guys


Translated from Thread SG 相信各位都曾經對以下這個場景似曾相識:站在衣櫃前,茫然地盯著堆積如山的衣物,然後必然是喊出一句「根本沒衣服好穿……」尤其我們身於熱帶區域,似乎除了短袖T恤及短褲外,已經難以想到其他選擇。 但事實上,你只需要入手幾件必備單品,問題就可以迎刃而解,尤其當你懶得搭配時,這幾件單品可能是你的「懶人包」。以下推介的幾件衣物不但輕易駕馭、時髦和百搭,同時亦能助你抵抗炎炎夏日,令你可以巧妙搭配不同look之餘keep住清爽。 恤衫連身裙 J.Crew Maribou Mixy Striped Shirt-Dress 一條恤衫連身裙可謂夏天不可劃缺的單品,配以啡色腰帶、木質厚底鞋、貓眼太陽眼鏡和一個織布銀包或側孭袋。若果厭自己衣著太悶無亮點,可以考慮有花紋及色彩較繽紛的配飾,例如搭配鮮豔印花的頸巾或鞋等。 白恤衫 經典的扣鈕恤衫其實並非你想像中那麼俗不可耐。一件設計新穎清新的白恤衫予人慵懶又優雅的感覺,絕非其他種類的衣服可以取代。配以一條富有夏日feel的短褲、緊身牛仔褲或煙管褲,既可以大show線條,又可以散發半休閒feel。 長裙 炎熱天氣下,一條長裙足夠舒適及點綴全身造型,因此配飾其實可免則免,簡單配以草編鞋以營造經典夏日造型。 若果覺得連身裙不是你那杯茶,可以試一下以一身白T恤搭配闊腳褲。你可能覺得闊腳褲不是你的style,但闊腳褲其實是裙褲和半截裙的混合體,尤其當你要去沙灘或公園,闊腳褲更是命定單品,讓你輕易打造一身波西米亞風look。 連身褲 Mango Floral Print Jumpsuit 與長裙相差無幾,連身褲既助你節省時間去搭配上下衣,又讓你整體造型和諧統一,更重要的是即使身處酷熱天氣下,身穿連身褲依然涼爽無比。即使入夜後氣溫有所下跌,簡單披上一件寬鬆外套足以保暖。 草編鞋 草編船跟鞋應當算是夏日非主流的選擇。若你要去沙灘或街上,可以考慮以草編船跟鞋搭配一條性感棉質連身裙或半截裙。 Continue reading 5件夏天衣櫃必備單品

This Season’s Top 5 Fashion Bestsellers — Men Edition

This season, as the months get warm, it is essential to know what to wear to stay in style. From coats to shorts, we have gathered the data to come up with the top 5 men fashion bestsellers. ITEMMS ZIP-UP BOMBER JACKET 01 C The bomber jacket has been holding the top spot for the men fashion bestsellers for quite some time now. Clearly its … Continue reading This Season’s Top 5 Fashion Bestsellers — Men Edition

This Season’s Top 5 Fashion Bestsellers — Women Edition

We have reached the second quarter of the year. And the question on everyone’s mind is what this season’s fashion bestsellers are. As usual, we have collected the data and crunched them to provide you the answer. Lace Shift Dress Shift dresses still top this season’s bestsellers; with lace shift dresses taking centre stage this season. Lace gives a nice twist to shift dresses, with … Continue reading This Season’s Top 5 Fashion Bestsellers — Women Edition


Original Content from Sreya Sanyal Thread SG Sunshine, clear skies, sandy beaches and pristine waters — these are just a few of the things we love about countries with perpetual summer. If you’re an inhabitant of a tropical nation, do the good work and pass this article along to a friend living in cooler climates. However, if you’re far too excited to pack and have no time … Continue reading JETSETTER, TRENDSETTER: Summer Locales


Original Content from Thread SG You know a look is iconic when it remains almost the same despite the test of time. The classic French Riviera style that involves Breton stripes, cropped pants, straw boater hats, and basket bags has been sported by style icons such as Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, and Jane Birkin at Cannes. But how can you take on the look on … Continue reading JETSETTER, TRENDSETTER: Riviera Chic