The Working Girl’s Guide To Staying Fit and Fashionable

Original Content from Sreya Sanyal Thread SG Source: Pexels Regular office hours are an obstacle to our fitness goals, but only if we allow it to get in the way. Sitting on a comfy chair for eight hours straight may seem appealing to those of us who hating moving, but tons of research have proven that a sedentary lifestyle is on par with smoking, or … Continue reading The Working Girl’s Guide To Staying Fit and Fashionable

The #1 French Secret to Staying Happy and Healthy

Original Content from Thread SG French women hardly ever talk about fitness. They don’t exercise for the sake of burning calories, and the word “diet” to them means a wholesome, healthy way of eating, not restricting themselves and calorie-counting. The French philosophy to life is simple: feeling good is the first priority. That’s why you’ll be hard-pressed to find them killing themselves at SoulCycle class … Continue reading The #1 French Secret to Staying Happy and Healthy

We’ve Come A Long Way Baby: The Evolution Of Sportswear

Original Content from Sreya Sanyal Thread SG Walk into any gym and you’ll be greeted with scores of sweaty people dressed in sleek black crop tops and fitting leggings. Fitness fashion has certainly evolved over the decades, with modern workout gear being a far cry from the leisurely skirts and blouses of the early 20th century. The Early Twentieth Century — All Style And No Substance Visible … Continue reading We’ve Come A Long Way Baby: The Evolution Of Sportswear

Easy Ways to Stay Fit on Vacation

Original Content from Thread SG It’s hard to stay motivated and disciplined in sticking to your fitness regime when you’re on vacation. After all, you might think, you’re on holiday — surely you deserve some down time! Certainly, you do. You earned that break. But straying too far from your workout routine means you’ll find it even harder to jump back into it after you return from … Continue reading Easy Ways to Stay Fit on Vacation

Beat the Festive Flab

You’ve had one too many Christmas puddings (not to mention those sumptuous biscuits you’ve devoured in no time) and it’s not even Christmas yet. To save yourself from having to buy a new Christmas outfit, try these four easy exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home, without the need for fancy gym accessories. Bicycle CrunchAttempt this exercise with care — we’d advise you … Continue reading Beat the Festive Flab

3 Tips For Getting Started On Your Fitness Journey

We’ve heard it: strong is the new sexy. And we all want to look good in all those new clothes that we buy. But to a beginner at fitness, things can be quite confusing. Cardio or weights? Steady or high intensity? If you’ve joined a gym, watching beefy guys lift 10x your weight can be intimidating (I speak from experience, although I’ve found that most … Continue reading 3 Tips For Getting Started On Your Fitness Journey