Fool Proof Pick Up Lines To Use At The Gym!

Gyms are a place to work on our body and its not meant for us to mix romance with fitness. Thus heading to the gym just to meet someone is often looked upon in the bad light. Conversely, gym is probably the easiest place that you could meet fit people and thus be easily attracted to someone without caution. Therefore there are times you have … Continue reading Fool Proof Pick Up Lines To Use At The Gym!

Beat the Festive Flab

You’ve had one too many Christmas puddings (not to mention those sumptuous biscuits you’ve devoured in no time) and it’s not even Christmas yet. To save yourself from having to buy a new Christmas outfit, try these four easy exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home, without the need for fancy gym accessories. Bicycle CrunchAttempt this exercise with care — we’d advise you … Continue reading Beat the Festive Flab