6 Small Changes to Make For Overall Wellness

Original Content from Thread SG While the term “healthy living” may typically bring to mind dieting and working out every day, all it really means is to find a balance. We can go on intense fad diets and do HIITs every day (good luck to your joints), but we’re just going to end up crashing in less than a month. The human body just isn’t … Continue reading 6 Small Changes to Make For Overall Wellness


Original Content from Thread SG Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash When it comes to wellness, the French seem to have it figured out. While the rest of the world wonders why French girls are always so thin despite eating all that cheese and pastries, and why their skin always looks so effortlessly radiant, they’re there sipping on their wine while rocking that je ne sais … Continue reading FRENCH GIRL WELLNESS TIPS TO LOOK AND FEEL YOUR BEST

The #1 French Secret to Staying Happy and Healthy

Original Content from Thread SG French women hardly ever talk about fitness. They don’t exercise for the sake of burning calories, and the word “diet” to them means a wholesome, healthy way of eating, not restricting themselves and calorie-counting. The French philosophy to life is simple: feeling good is the first priority. That’s why you’ll be hard-pressed to find them killing themselves at SoulCycle class … Continue reading The #1 French Secret to Staying Happy and Healthy

Here’s What Girls With Great Skin Do

Ever wondered what women with excellent skin have in common? The following skincare habits: 1. Cleanse your skin A crucial step to having a clean face, you only need to cleanse your face once a day, preferably in the evenings. Allow the cleanser to sit on your skin for a few minutes after applying it, and wash off thoroughly with lukewarm water. 2. Protect yourself … Continue reading Here’s What Girls With Great Skin Do

Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick!

We catch up with Cotton On Body’s January collaborator, Fernwood Women’s Fitness, for all-important hints and tips to help us hit the ground running this New Year. It’s that time of year again — time to close one chapter of your life and welcome 2016 with a bang! Christmas is over, the champagne is back in the cupboard and your 2016 diary is staring up at you … Continue reading Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick!

A Highly Coloured Report On Why You Should Eat More Than Just Greens

Colours aren’t just a major trend for fashion runways. Sure, colour blocking is a major runway staple. But this selective choice in colour can actually extend into our diet, allowing us to feel just as good as we look. So apart from chowing down on all things green, try fruits and vegetables that are bright and vibrant in colours as well. It has been found … Continue reading A Highly Coloured Report On Why You Should Eat More Than Just Greens

5 Foods For PMS Relief

Mood swings, uncomfortable bloated feelings, cramps, these are just some of the symptoms that women have in the week or two leading up to their period. Premenstrual syndrome or PMS can include a range of physical and emotional changes, largely caused by fluctuating levels of hormones. That’s not to say that you can’t do anything about all those grouchy, unhappy feelings. Remember, you are what … Continue reading 5 Foods For PMS Relief

How To Overcome Phone Addiction

Countless advancements in technology over the last few decades has made everything so much more convenient for us, becoming such an indispensable part of our lives now that we can hardly imagine life without it. Smart phones have gone beyond the traditional functionalities of a phone and combined with many other functions to become a machine that we rely on for practically everything today. And … Continue reading How To Overcome Phone Addiction