Know Your Fashion Inside Out — Interview With Anger

We have seen Anger do some outrageous things on Inside Out. A truly passionate character. Today we sit down with Anger to find out what is his fashion inspiration and some of his favourite fashion trends over the years. Interviewer (I): Hi Anger, how have you been?Anger (A): I have been better. I: So we usually see you looking smart in a shirt and trousers. … Continue reading Know Your Fashion Inside Out — Interview With Anger

Know Your Fashion Inside Out — Interview With Disgust

Seen Disgust and wonder where she gets her fashion inspiration from? Well, we are in luck! We get an exclusive with Disgust as she tells us her daily routine, her beauty tips and if we are lucky, some fashion tips on her unique style. Interview (I): Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to sit down and talk to us.Disgust (D): The pleasure is ALL … Continue reading Know Your Fashion Inside Out — Interview With Disgust

Know Your Fashion Inside Out — Interview With Sadness

Last time we had a chat with Joy on her fashion inspirations and some beauty tips. Today, we sit down with Sadness to find out about what fashion means to her and how she rocks the winter look. Interviewer (I): Hi Sadness, how are you doing today?Sadness (S): Okay…I guess. I: I really like your outfit today. Why do you like wearing turtlenecks?S: People really … Continue reading Know Your Fashion Inside Out — Interview With Sadness

Know Your Fashion Inside Out — Interview With Joy

For the next two weeks we have an absolute treat for you! Join us as we talk to the gang from Inside Out and find out what their fashion instinct and how do they decide on their outfit choice every day. Joy will start off our series. So keen on finding out what is her must-have accessory? Interviewer (I): Hi Joy, it is so nice … Continue reading Know Your Fashion Inside Out — Interview With Joy