
如果要選出一款任何人都熱愛穿著的單品,牛仔褲絕對會是排行榜第一名。無論屬於任何年紀、出席任何場合、喜歡任何風格,牛仔褲總在妳的衣櫥之中佔有一席之位,所以ZALORA致力為妳搜羅各大品牌的最新出品,讓妳可以輕鬆走在時尚尖端。 不論是日常穿搭、歐美街拍抑或米蘭時裝周,牛仔褲都是人人大愛的長青單品,款式亦不受當季潮流規限。貼身或寬鬆、窄腳或喇叭、洗水或石磨,基本上所有剪裁、所有版型的牛仔褲都不會過時,難怪是萬年不敗的百搭單品! 不同款式的牛仔褲能夠為造型帶出不同味道,如高腰款式便是復古風穿著的必備單品,令打扮摩登之餘充滿時尚味道,而boyfriend cut則有型有款,配襯街頭造型絕不可缺! 牛仔褲是人人都可駕馭的流行單品,更是能夠融入任何造型的百搭設計。經典合身剪裁最適合成熟都市女性,只要配上一件恤衫、一對高跟鞋,就能打造出與別不同的smart casual風格。 當妳不知穿甚麼才好的時候,牛仔褲是絕對不會出錯的配搭。ZALORA為妳引入多個國際女裝品牌,包括Mango、Topshop、Dorothy Perkins,更有多個自家系列,給妳更多時尚選擇。立即入手心水設計,為造型注入獨特亮點吧! Continue reading 牛仔狂熱:永遠流行的經典

How To Pull Off Your Cuffed Jeans: Men’s Edition

As long as the human population continues to thrive on this planet (and wear jeans), the practice of rolling up one’s jeans in order to show off footwear of just to escape from the heat, isn’t going to be dying out anytime soon. Before you stoop down to roll back your cuffs, read these tips first: Do: Wear jeans that fit! Ditch the baggy 90s … Continue reading How To Pull Off Your Cuffed Jeans: Men’s Edition

Your Summer Guide To Denim: Do’s and Don’ts of cuffed jeans

Safe yourself from the summer heat with these incredibly stylish cuffed jeans! You could either let your shoes be the statement to your entire outfit or go for an effortless look with these rolled up jeans! So in order for you to nail this trend easily, we have gathered a few tips and tricks that will transform your entire outfit! Do: A fitted pair of … Continue reading Your Summer Guide To Denim: Do’s and Don’ts of cuffed jeans