6 Signs The Chemistry Is Real

Original Content from Bea Punzalan THREAD PH It’s more than the movies. Despite what our favorite rom-coms tell us all about couples, they’re not always entirely true. In fact, it’s much more complex and deeper than “finishing each other’s sentences” or that picture-perfect romance we see in movies. Oftentimes couples aren’t even perfectly alike. Some are even complete opposites, but you know what? It works. Finding … Continue reading 6 Signs The Chemistry Is Real

The 10 Types of People You Meet on Dating Apps

Original Content from Joyce Chua Thread SG We’re living in an unprecedented age of dating apps and the ever-shifting landscape of the dating minefield. We now have more choices than ever, more opportunities to meet various specimens of our preferred sex — all within reach of our phones. That should make things easier, right? Not so much. (But that’s a story for another day.) If nothing else, … Continue reading The 10 Types of People You Meet on Dating Apps

Easy Ways to Stay Fit on Vacation

Original Content from Thread SG It’s hard to stay motivated and disciplined in sticking to your fitness regime when you’re on vacation. After all, you might think, you’re on holiday — surely you deserve some down time! Certainly, you do. You earned that break. But straying too far from your workout routine means you’ll find it even harder to jump back into it after you return from … Continue reading Easy Ways to Stay Fit on Vacation

After-Work Stress Relief for the Hardworking You

Time for beauty after hours. Original Content from Bea Punzalan, THREAD PH Coming home after eight hours at work or in school can leave you feeling absolutely exhausted. It’s tempting to just call it a night the moment you get home and head straight for your bed — sometimes you just can’t help it, we know, but it’s something you should avoid as much as possible. Neglecting to … Continue reading After-Work Stress Relief for the Hardworking You

How To: Moving On and Forgetting Someone

Original Content from Bea Punzalan Thread PH Let’s face it girl, he’s gone. Oh, love. What a funny thing. Whether you break up with him or he breaks up with you, you’re bound to feel heartache and loss. But don’t worry, we know ways on how you can move on from him and learn to embrace your freedom. It’s not easy, I know. But you’ll get … Continue reading How To: Moving On and Forgetting Someone

How to Pack for a Bleisure Trip

Original Content from Joyce Chua Thread SG Spice up your all-work-and-no-fun business trips with some leisure time. Basically defined as work trips made fun, bleisure is now a bona fide travel trend as more people than ever are blending business and leisure travel. And the demographic driving this trend is — you guessed it — millennials. With more millennials in the workforce, millennials who prize work-life balance, bleisure travel is … Continue reading How to Pack for a Bleisure Trip

5 Travel Essentials Every Adventurer Needs

Original Content from Joyce Chua Thread SG Going somewhere? Don’t forget to include our list of essentials in your exciting travel plans. Small in size but big on features, these items make all the difference between a once-in-a-lifetime experience and a forgettable journey. Sneak PicksIf you’re going to be clocking serious mileage throughout your trip, skip the sandals and step out in shoes that offer … Continue reading 5 Travel Essentials Every Adventurer Needs

Flashpacking: How to Travel in Style

Original Content from Joyce Chua Thread SG The not-on-budget travel style guide for the affluent backpacker We’re used to seeing backpackers rough it out with their hefty baggage. But there are fancier ways of travelling with your worldly possessions in tow. Flashpacking is the modus operandi of many millennials now. What is Flashpacking While backpacking is typically associated with budget travel and cheaper destinations, its … Continue reading Flashpacking: How to Travel in Style

Fail-proof Relaxation Tips for the Busy Working Woman

Original Content from Lisa Danielle Wong We know, it’s been a long day. However, not all of us can afford a fancy spa retreat. Nonetheless, we all deserve a little pampering. Here’s how you can enjoy a simple home spa with a side of Netflix. 1. Light A Candle A scented candle (preferably chamomile scented to boost relaxation) helps create a calming atmosphere in the house. … Continue reading Fail-proof Relaxation Tips for the Busy Working Woman

Beauty Essentials for Any Trip (And How to Fit Them Into Your Luggage)

Original Content From Thread SG When it comes to packing your travel beauty essentials, no matter how many times you write a checklist, you always forget something that you need. Remembering that everything has to be under 100ml for the plane, what you actually need on a plane and what you’ll need whilst you’re there can be a bit of a headache. So this list … Continue reading Beauty Essentials for Any Trip (And How to Fit Them Into Your Luggage)

5 Key Tips for First-Time Solo Travellers

Original Content From Thread SG Travelling solo may sound daunting, but it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll ever gain. Sure, it’s fun to travel with company, but there are also many reasons to fly solo: not only do you get to travel according to your own schedule and preference, you also get some valuable alone time and learn to venture into … Continue reading 5 Key Tips for First-Time Solo Travellers

5 Easily Overlooked Things When Choosing A Bali Villa

http://www.pinterest.com One of the world’s most popular destinations for those seeking sun, sand, sea, and everything else, Bali is an island and province that is home to about 4 million people. Notably termed by many as Island of God, villas are aplenty on this island and it is natural for them to pop into mind when one thinks of a vacation in Bali. From villas … Continue reading 5 Easily Overlooked Things When Choosing A Bali Villa

COLLEGE 101: Advice For Every Freshman

Going off to college marks the beginning of a fresh start, even if you’re in your sophomore or senior years. Each semester brings new promise and opportunity. For freshmen, college can appear intimidating, and the unfamiliarity of the environment, coupled with the newfound freedom can prove to be a sort of sensory overload. To get the most out of college, here are a few things … Continue reading COLLEGE 101: Advice For Every Freshman

Simple And Easy Ways To Lose Weight

It’s not that hard to cut down on excess calories. A few tiny adjustments to your diets will suffice-you’ll be seeing the results in no time! Refer to these four simple calorie-cutting tips and tricks to help achieve your weight loss goals! 1. Bye Bye Sugary Drinks: Ladies and gentlemen, you’ll be surprised at how much sugar your can of Coca Cola and Minute Maid … Continue reading Simple And Easy Ways To Lose Weight

James Holder — Founder, Brand & Design Director of Superdry

James Holder is the Founder, Brand and Design Director of Superdry, one of the most successful lifestyle brands that is favoured by millions across the world. Now available on ZALORA we speak to the man behind the brand and learn how Julian Dunkerton (Founder, Product and Brand Director) and himself made their idea into a reality. James it seems has always been an entrepreneur, by … Continue reading James Holder — Founder, Brand & Design Director of Superdry

5 Tips To Deal With Procrastination

We have all dealt with phenomenon of procrastination at some point of our lives (even now, this writer is dealing with it while typing such an article out). Procrastination happens when there is a gap between intended and enacted behaviour, meaning we put off doing certain tasks that we are supposed to do. But remember, putting off an unimportant task does not mean that it’s … Continue reading 5 Tips To Deal With Procrastination