[Beauty 101] How to Get That Hollywood Glam

Original Content by Aini Shah from THREAD MY It cannot be denied that there are various makeup looks that women love to experiment with and one of them is the classic Hollywood glam. This might be one of the popular looks that women love to pull off as it gives off that sexy vibe. For the ladies who are interested in flaunting that confident Hollywood Glam … Continue reading [Beauty 101] How to Get That Hollywood Glam


明明就卸得很乾淨啊! credit: Pexels 原文轉載自 sunnyday for THREAD TW 懂得保養的人都知道,臉部清潔非常重要!化妝後忘了卸妝,這對肌膚來說絕對是一場災難,事後用再高級的保養品、每天瘋狂敷面膜也於事無補。 戶外污濁的空氣,臉上的油脂、汗水和細菌,加上殘留在臉上的化妝品,這些都是導致毛孔阻塞的罪魁禍首,不但會滋生粉刺、黑頭和痘痘,嚴重的話還會造成皮膚病。 卸妝清潔是光滑肌膚的關鍵,一旦偷懶後果可是不堪設想。不想讓辛辛苦苦保養的肌膚因忘了卸妝變成「花面貓」,記得要避免以下5個卸妝習慣! https://media.giphy.com/media/T9gaRtx86s6zK/giphy.gif 1. 用力地卸妝 怕卸妝不乾淨用力地搓臉?拿起卸妝用品隨便搓幾下? 2. 同一張卸妝棉 很多人都習慣性用同一張化妝棉卸完整張臉,但其實這是不對的。 不管你從臉部還是眼部開始卸妝,都會把最初卸掉的化妝品轉移到下一個,這不但無法有效地把臉上的彩妝全卸掉,還可能造成毛孔阻塞或皮膚發炎。建議用兩張或以上的化妝棉,直到沒有化妝品殘留在臉上為止。 3. 出門就要卸妝 擦防曬是出門前的指定動作,從戶外回家後,該不該卸妝呢? 如果只是擦一般的防曬用品、沒有帶妝的情況下,用洗臉乳或洗臉霜把臉洗乾淨就好。有時候不適當的卸妝會造成過度清潔,反而會導致皮膚乾燥。 4. 錯誤的卸妝產品 挑錯卸妝產品也會導致皮膚問題,像油性皮膚使用卸妝油後可能會有閉鎖性粉刺或痘痘問題。 如果不了解自己的膚質,請教專業的皮膚科醫師吧!唯有買對適合自己膚質的卸妝品才不會造成日後的不適。 5. 卸完妝就算了 下班後累到癱瘓,回到家只想躺著不動。 但是,再累也要卸妝啊!而且卸完妝後一定要用臉部清潔用品,確保臉上的髒污全都掰掰後,再進行後續日常保養程序。 想要完美無瑕的肌膚,先從卸妝清潔開始吧! 注:圖片取自網絡 READ MORE: Continue reading 乖乖卸妝,臉上還是長了一堆粉刺!破解卸妝5大迷思

Beauty 101: Four Lipstick Shades To Explore (Which Are Not Red)

Original Content from Sreya Sanyal Thread SG When shopping for lipsticks, we tend to be partial towards one shade or the other. This leads to a build-up of lipsticks of the same colour — resulting in a monotonous look. Don’t be afraid to switch it up a little — there are tons of other shades to explore even if you’re working within the confines of an office environment. Here … Continue reading Beauty 101: Four Lipstick Shades To Explore (Which Are Not Red)

BEAUTY QUICKIE: 3 Makeup Products You Need for Hot Weather

Original Content from Thread SG It’s hard to keep your makeup on all day in sunny Singapore. What with the humidity and heat, we not only have to contend with frizzy or limp hair (depending on your hair type), but also perspiration — endless perspiration. Sometimes, even before you’ve stepped into the office, your makeup has already melted off! To counter this problem, here are some melt-proof … Continue reading BEAUTY QUICKIE: 3 Makeup Products You Need for Hot Weather

Beauty 101: Makeup Hacks To Look More Awake

Rise and shine. Original Content from Nica Dobles Thread PH Photo by Samantha Gades We’ve all been there: after some overtime at the office, an all-nighter cramming for exams, or even just an accidental bingewatch session, we wake up the next day looking just as exhausted as we feel. Personally, that’s the start of a cycle — when I know that I don’t look my best, I feel even … Continue reading Beauty 101: Makeup Hacks To Look More Awake

Beauty 101: When To Throw Out Your Makeup Products

Time to check that expiry date. Original Content from Nica Dobles Thread PH Makeup products can get pretty expensive, so it can be tempting to keep them for as long as possible, weeks or even months past the time you should have thrown them out. But once you’ve opened that jar or tube, you’ve exposed the product inside to air, heat, and humidity — not to mention all … Continue reading Beauty 101: When To Throw Out Your Makeup Products

Beauty Rundown: 5 Makeup Trends To Try This 2018

A shining, shimmering, splendid year for makeup. Original Content from Bea Punzalan Thread PH Makeup, like fashion, has always been a way for you to boost your confidence and express your personality. This year, we’re seeing that taken to the next level with bold, experimental trends that play around with different colors and textures. Here’s a rundown of five makeup trends you should try now: 1. … Continue reading Beauty Rundown: 5 Makeup Trends To Try This 2018

How To Prevent Cakey Makeup

Girl, it’s a piece of cake. Original Content from Bea Punzalan Thread PH Photo by Atikh Bana One of the biggest makeup mistakes is heading out the door with a totally caked-up face. Instead of hiding unwanted blemishes, acne, redness, and hyperpigmentation, cakey foundation can actually amplify these skin problems even more. You want a flawless finish that makes your face look seamless and perfect, mimicking the … Continue reading How To Prevent Cakey Makeup

Spice Up Your Makeup Routine With Extraordinary Ordinary Makeup Products

Original Content from Damnitclaudia Thread SG Who says your daily makeup routine has to be boring? You just need a few multitasking makeup products to spice it up! You’ve probably seen reviews of these products from your favourite make-up artist on YouTube or on your Instagram explore page and went, “Wait…what? Is that green-coloured blush?” Or, “Unbreakable eye shadow palette? Perfect.” So read on for … Continue reading Spice Up Your Makeup Routine With Extraordinary Ordinary Makeup Products

5 Ways To Use A Lipstick NOT As A Lipstick

Original Content from Putry Evyna Thread SG via pexels On average, we have at least four lipsticks lying around in our bag or makeup pouches. At times, a lone lipstick is all we have. Luckily, in emergency situations, lipsticks don’t only serve as lipsticks, but as other makeup products too! Here are five ways you can use a lipstick not as a lipstick: 1. Lipstick … Continue reading 5 Ways To Use A Lipstick NOT As A Lipstick