3 Tips For Getting Started On Your Fitness Journey

We’ve heard it: strong is the new sexy. And we all want to look good in all those new clothes that we buy. But to a beginner at fitness, things can be quite confusing. Cardio or weights? Steady or high intensity? If you’ve joined a gym, watching beefy guys lift 10x your weight can be intimidating (I speak from experience, although I’ve found that most … Continue reading 3 Tips For Getting Started On Your Fitness Journey

6 Fun Songs For An Awesome Workout

Music is motivation, especially when you need to muster enough of it to hit the ground running with your workout for the day. With these song suggestions to add to your workout playlist, you are sure to get a seriously satisfying sweat session on. So put on your best-looking sports attire and turn up the volume with these energetic numbers that are all designed to … Continue reading 6 Fun Songs For An Awesome Workout

5 Tips To Deal With Procrastination

We have all dealt with phenomenon of procrastination at some point of our lives (even now, this writer is dealing with it while typing such an article out). Procrastination happens when there is a gap between intended and enacted behaviour, meaning we put off doing certain tasks that we are supposed to do. But remember, putting off an unimportant task does not mean that it’s … Continue reading 5 Tips To Deal With Procrastination