The Misleading 50/50 Relationship

Time to stop keeping score Original Content from Patricia Ong Thread PH Photo by Mahkeo on Unsplash As humans who are constantly striving for equality in the workplace and society, it’s common to fall into the trap of wanting a 50/50 split when it comes to relationships as well. A lot of people think that each partner should contribute equally in order for a relationship to work. … Continue reading The Misleading 50/50 Relationship

7 Signs He’s Definitely A Keeper

Original Content from Beau Punzalan The real deal is here to stay. Photo from Unsplash Whenever we have a new guy in our lives, we say things like “He’s different,” or “It’s for real this time”. But oftentimes, we eat our own words when he begins to show signs that he wasn’t what you thought he was going to be. Everything takes a turn for the worse … Continue reading 7 Signs He’s Definitely A Keeper

Relationship or Relationsink? 5 Things You Should Talk About Before You Commit

Original Content from Nathalie Evangelia D’Souza Thread SG Photo by Annette Sousa on Unsplash “If you’re not dating for marriage, you’re dating to break up.” While there’s nothing wrong with dating casually, there comes a time when you need to decide how far you want this to go. Do you really want things to work out, or are you content to just go with the flow … Continue reading Relationship or Relationsink? 5 Things You Should Talk About Before You Commit

7 ways to ditch your disaster date

Original Content from Nathalie Evangelia D’Souza Thread SG Photo by on Unsplash So you’ve been hogging the toilet for the past 10 minutes in this really cool restaurant in town, and people are banging impatiently on the door for you to hurry up. You can’t bring yourself to return to the table where your companion for the evening is waiting. Internally, you’re kicking yourself for … Continue reading 7 ways to ditch your disaster date

6 Signs The Chemistry Is Real

Original Content from Bea Punzalan THREAD PH It’s more than the movies. Despite what our favorite rom-coms tell us all about couples, they’re not always entirely true. In fact, it’s much more complex and deeper than “finishing each other’s sentences” or that picture-perfect romance we see in movies. Oftentimes couples aren’t even perfectly alike. Some are even complete opposites, but you know what? It works. Finding … Continue reading 6 Signs The Chemistry Is Real


今個11月11日, 準備迎接光棍節! 光棍節起源於中國, 一班大學生覺得單身值得好好慶祝。情侶們有情人節, 為什麼單身族不能擁有自己的節日? 於是11.11就成為光棍節。坊間對這個節日有不同說法, 但可能肯定的是: 每年學生們都會瘋狂慶祝! 這一天學生們會進行初次約會、單身派對和學校舉行的活動, 令單身一族不再孤單。即使在畢業後, 他們仍繼續慶祝這個節日! 這個非官方節日甚至來到香港和新加坡等地, 變得更有人氣。不要再躲起來, 光棍節就是要與朋友好好玩樂! 想不到節目? 這個小測驗可以給你小建議: What Should You Do On Singles’ Day? Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Get ready to spoil yourself! 不論你當天有什麼節目, 記得到ZALORA盡情購物! ZALORA帶來眾多優惠, 你有24小時尋找最合你心的完美造型! 絕對不會令你失望! 你覺得單身是好是壞? 歡迎在下方留言, 分享你的想法! Continue reading 單身貴族歡度光棍節

Relationships: More Than Just Love?

Ever wondered what makes a relationship strong enough to last a lifetime? It cannot be just love! Other elements like hard work is needed for a satisfying, joyous and healthy relationship. The married couples in our social circle are the ones who teach us about relationship beyond just love and it is only fair that we thank them for the lessons they have taught us. … Continue reading Relationships: More Than Just Love?