ZALORA Scholarship Winner

Darren, Lam In On BROAD REVIEW Fashion and Science are terms we seldom mention in the same breath. Tracing back to the history, the concept of fashion has been changing dramatically from time to time. Breakthroughs of designers or change in social preference are ordinary driving force, but not science. Until 20th century, as technology becomes more advanced, designers often take advantage of science in the … Continue reading ZALORA Scholarship Winner

5 Tips In Choosing The Right Scholarship

Making the decision to apply for a scholarship, now that is the easy part in a long process of scholarship application. Scholarships are valuable! Free money, no debt burden and you can focus solely on your education! With a multitude of scholarships around, which one would be right for you? What do I mean by that? Do a simple Google search on scholarships and you … Continue reading 5 Tips In Choosing The Right Scholarship

5 Inventions To Change The Future Of Fashion

Fashion is one of the few industries that relay on low-tech machinery, in comparison to other industries like publishing, marketing, advertising and education. Just look at the fashion industry! It still uses sewing machines, zippers and dyes. Most of which are inventions that have changed little over the centuries. But what has changed is the way in which garment have been produced and sold. The … Continue reading 5 Inventions To Change The Future Of Fashion

6 Scientific Inventions That Have Revolutionised Fashion

Fashion is evolving, changing, constantly converging with other aspects in one moment. then it diverges from it in the next. This unpredictability in fashion is what drives its development into a thriving scene that we are familiar with today. This dynamism of fashion implies that what may be trendy now, can be archaic after two seasons; likewise what might have been a ground-breaking fashion phenomenon … Continue reading 6 Scientific Inventions That Have Revolutionised Fashion

When Science & Fashion Collide

Science. Fashion. Science or Fashion. Most of the time, people would never consider Science and Fashion to be congruent, let alone similar. Always, Science and Fashion have been perceived as two separate entities. Did you know that looking at them in such a manner is not useful for you? Well, just to let you know, some of the greatest inventions and fashion designs came about … Continue reading When Science & Fashion Collide