4 Streetstyle Ways to Wear Boots

The fashion industry has expanded into another new level. We can wear whatever we want, style it with confidence and show it to the world! There is a saying “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.” Yes, boots! Those days, boots only known as winter shoes and it is not wearable for street style or daily wear. It has this bulky type … Continue reading 4 Streetstyle Ways to Wear Boots


每個人都為之瘋狂的潮流 Original Content from THREAD PH Copenhagen Street Style 摩登時尚的西部女牛仔風到現在已經流行了幾個月—— 例如美利堅森女裙、流蘇和馬鞍包,而且根據今個「時裝月」的報導,這個熱潮很有可能會延續下去。 Isabel Marant Fall 2018 | Tibi Spring 2019 相反,它採取了更現代化的轉變。 雖然西式恤衫和短皮裙走勢仍然強勁,但牛仔靴才是設計師和走街頭風明星們的新寵兒。 以下就來看看牛仔靴應該怎麼搭配吧! 搭配長裙 Copenhagen Street Style 你不會想因為一條美利堅森女裙而予人穿得太過火的感覺——這種裙一個不留神就會穿得太可愛或者太奢華誇張,就像戲服一樣。因此,倒不如回歸最基本的西式風格,簡單一條用舒適物料而製,例如牛仔或亞麻的寬鬆中長連衣裙,打造輕鬆又活潑的造型。 大玩對比 另一方面,請不要未陪襯就胡亂把衣服都穿到身上,相反你應該善用對比。就以我們都喜愛的街頭風博主 Xenia van der Woodsen的這個造型為例,上身以亮粉色鏤空針織衫襯搭一條單車短褲,再配上一對西部風靴。如果你對試這種趨勢猶豫不決,一個小貼士就是尋找像Xenia穿的短靴—— 它們比較易carry,而且是身處熱帶地區的人的恩物。 以西裝外套搭配 Copenhagen Street Style | Isabel Marant Fall 2018 我們傾向認為牛仔靴很普遍,但卻忽略了牛仔外套和西裝外套也可以很時尚。 簡約風的中性黑色或米色牛仔靴簡直為優雅的上班服增添了幾分「貼地」的灑脫,亦是可以輕鬆而且低調嘗試這個潮流的方法。 提升時尚感 Stockholm Street Style | Missguided 仿皮鏤空短靴 不要以為除了傳統的牛仔靴別無選擇, 不妨嘗試一下狂野的西部牛仔風情配搭精緻細節的款式,如拼接、搭扣和金屬裝飾。 一對腳裸鏤空的短靴前衛又時尚,同時亦符合這個潮流,是個不錯的選擇。 Mix & Match 單色系 鮮豔的單色系造型向來都流行,何不就像Aimee Song那樣一次過將兩個潮流趨勢合二為一?訣竅是只要兩者是不同色號和質地就可以了。 大膽嘗試鮮豔顏色 Copenhagen Street Style | E8 by Miista 拉鍊皮靴 如果從頭到腳同色系看起來太過,你仍然可以大玩各種顏色。 … Continue reading 駕馭西部風靴的秘訣

5 Kinds Of Shoes That’ll Take You Through The Rainy Season

Through hell or high water Original Content from THREAD PH Whether you wish it was summer forever or love the rain, one bad thing about rainy season that we can all agree on is: there’s nothing worse than the feeling of stepping in a puddle and walking around with wet shoes the entire day. Even if you’re equipped with a good rain jacket and a trusty … Continue reading 5 Kinds Of Shoes That’ll Take You Through The Rainy Season

Flat Out Fab, All Night Long

Original Content from Bea Punzalan Thread PH Time for a switch up. “I never thought I would say this, but I’m wearing flats today.” -Kim Kardashian Who told you that you can’t go dancing in a pair of flats? Whoever said that probably hasn’t experienced comfort in her life. The absolute pleasure that the flat shoe gives its wearer is the main reason why they choose … Continue reading Flat Out Fab, All Night Long

A Working Woman’s Guide to Wearing High Heels Pain-Free

Original Content From Thread SG Highs heels — love them or hate them, they’re considered an essential in most wardrobes, particularly so for a professional working woman. Be it for a conservative office or an evening event, high heels can add a touch of glam. But imagine having put together an amazing outfit, only to suffer from blisters and sore feet an hour after stepping out of … Continue reading A Working Woman’s Guide to Wearing High Heels Pain-Free


女生買鞋不需要原因。想走在潮流尖端,除了一身流行穿搭,腳上的鞋子同樣重要。2016年的女裝鞋潮流以氣質淑女款式為主,成熟之中不失優雅,特別適合甜美造型。無論配搭連身裙或牛仔褲,鞋子的設計都能改變造型的整體感覺。立即來看看本年度的最暢銷單品! ZALORA踝帶尖頭平底鞋 這款平底鞋除了舒適好穿,更集合不同流行元素。踝帶細節能夠令小腿更加顯瘦,而鞋頭的釘飾細節為素色鞋面增添亮點,與金色扣環互相呼應,簡約之餘時尚大方,最適合配搭白色連身裙,散發清新味道。 2. ZALORA金屬邊尖頭平底鞋 黑色平底鞋是每個女生都應該擁有的單品。這對平底鞋用上高貴絨面,配合鞋頭的金色細節,是輕奢淑女風穿搭的最佳選擇。尖頭款式充滿氣場,成為暢銷榜三甲實在理所當然! 3. ZALORA踝帶尖頭平底鞋 這對尖頭平底鞋之所以能夠成為熱賣單品之一,在於其獨特細節!看似平平無奇的設計,加上金屬踝帶之後,便立即變得高貴優雅。就算配搭牛仔褲,造型亦一樣出眾! 4. ZALORA蝴蝶結平底鞋 蝴蝶結平底鞋是最為經典百搭的設計,但設計團隊為這對鞋子注入與別不同的搶眼細節。金屬色鞋頭獨特搶眼,更能為打扮帶來摩登型格感覺,時尚易襯。 5. ZALORA丁字帶船跟鞋 香港女生普遍不愛太高的高跟鞋。這對船跟鞋高度剛好,而且非常穩,就算長時間穿著都不會累壞雙腳。丁字帶細節充滿復古味道,而露趾設計更是性感迷人,配搭任何服飾都能輕鬆成為時尚焦點! Continue reading 5大最暢銷女裝鞋

Ballet Flats From Day To Night

These dainty pieces of footwear enjoyed a fashion resurrection after Audrey Hepburn wore them in a song-and-dance number for the movie Funny Face in 1957. Since then, ballet flats have proven to be a wardrobe mainstay and provided endless outfit versatility for fans of fashion for decades. This post will prove to all you women that the ballerina flat is not to be messed with. … Continue reading Ballet Flats From Day To Night

Get Stylishly Comfortable With 5 Types of Flats

There will be days when you shun those height-boosting heels and slip your feet into a pair of flat shoes. Though flats have always been in the shadow of high heels, research has shown that they are a healthier alternative to high heels for your body. As a practical choice of footwear, this genre of shoes have been cemented as a basic wardrobe staple for … Continue reading Get Stylishly Comfortable With 5 Types of Flats

4 Fun Ways To Style Sneaker Shoes

Let’s be real; as much as we love how high heels and towering platforms make our legs look infinitely long and slim, we just cannot be wearing them all the time. Give your tired feet a break with some cool yet comfortable shoes that perfectly complete that enviable androgynous look and look good with just about anything in your wardrobe. From dresses to jeans, sneakers … Continue reading 4 Fun Ways To Style Sneaker Shoes