【OL必學!】 時尚又keep到fit嘅秘訣

credit: Pexels 對不少人來說,朝九晚五的上班時間的確是健身的阻礙之一。或許對於懶得動的人來說,坐在舒適的椅上8小時不成問題,但大量研究都有證實毫不運動帶來的傷害等同吸煙,甚至更嚴重。雖然時間緊絀,但只要肯認真編排運動入schedule,要養成健身習慣並非難事。 如果你office的dress code比較隨意,不妨以運動休閒風的穿搭去上班吧! 必殺技——深蹲 千萬別小看「亞洲蹲」!當你老了,所有朋友的臀部都鬆弛了,你會感謝曾經的自己每天抽三分鐘來做這個動作。嚴格來說,深蹲有助於強化腿部、增加肌肉量和燃燒多餘的脂肪。 是時候take action 蹲蹲了! 運動零成本 如果負擔不來gym房的membership fee或者家的附近完全沒有gym room,不要緊!道路、天橋隧道和樓梯都是便宜又有效的健身地點,更重要的是注重隱私的你更無需花心思和其他gym room的人social。輕鬆自在地聽著音樂,只專注向你面前的目標進發,效果可能更事半功倍。如果在公眾場合跑步令你覺得不自在,不妨由最簡單的做起,每天花十分鐘步行到office吧。 原座運動 https://gph.is/1PLsOGY 如果你工作需要坐上十小時或以上,最好定時起身做一下伸展運動,拉一下筋,又或者在桌下搖擺雙腿,以助你燃燒些許卡路里。坐著時亦不要偷懶,盡你所能地收緊臀部,越長時間越好。想鍛煉那些彈出來的二頭肌?可以曲舉雙臂用力畫圈擺動。 睡美人 https://gph.is/2cEdGvJ 先想像你的床是世界上最舒服的瑜伽墊。如果你非常依戀那股柔軟感,可以躺著鍛鍊腹肌和核心肌群。將背部躺直,後將腿抬至空中形成L形,然後在離床幾cm的上空hold住雙腿。重複做十次直到你感受到腹部肌肉酸痛為止。想繼續再做?如果你的床褥夠硬,不妨試試平板支撐(plank)。 在2018年內你有嘗試開始做運動嗎?在下方留言告訴我們吧! READ MORE: Continue reading 【OL必學!】 時尚又keep到fit嘅秘訣

How To Wear Athleisure Like An Adult

5 street style-approved outfit formulas London Fashion Week Fall 2018 Street Style by Nica Dobles for THREAD PH Athleisure is one of the decade’s biggest trends, and it looks like it’s not going away anytime soon — and why would it? It’s the perfect marriage of comfort and style. As much as we love how comfortable leggings are, though, we admit that they’re not always appropriate. Athleisure staples like joggers … Continue reading How To Wear Athleisure Like An Adult

Lisa Hamilton Talks Workout Wear

With her distinctive minimalist style, Lisa Hamilton of See Want Shop is Melbourne’s resident authority on all things style, health and travel. Lisa shares with us her key Cotton On Body stylish workout pieces for the summer ahead whilst also telling us her plans for a smashing 2016. “I do love an all-black look when working out, it’s sleek, unassuming, so easy to wear and … Continue reading Lisa Hamilton Talks Workout Wear

Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick!

We catch up with Cotton On Body’s January collaborator, Fernwood Women’s Fitness, for all-important hints and tips to help us hit the ground running this New Year. It’s that time of year again — time to close one chapter of your life and welcome 2016 with a bang! Christmas is over, the champagne is back in the cupboard and your 2016 diary is staring up at you … Continue reading Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick!

Sporty Minimalist

That ’70s sporty athleisure of casual layering combined with contemporary tailoring results in a sharp yet active appeal of refined sportiness. With a focus on monochrome hues, the unexpected pop of butterscotch yellow keeps it looking and feeling fresh, while the honeycomb structure and grid net, or additional layers, give clothing an additional dimension and excitement to them. TOP PICKS SHOP SPORTY MINIMALIST > Continue reading Sporty Minimalist

Beat the Festive Flab

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