The Lazy Girl’s Guide: Styling Your Way To Comfort Fashion

Original Content from Thread PH Look stylish without trying too hard. People have always found it difficult to live by the phrase “comfort is key” and we can’t blame them though. Whether you work in corporate, in the courts or going through your majors in college, working your way around to comfy fashion wouldn’t be an easy task. Alright, let’s give it up to leggings and … Continue reading The Lazy Girl’s Guide: Styling Your Way To Comfort Fashion

The 8 Basic Rules of Parisian Dressing

Original Content from Thread SG Ever wondered why those French girls always look so effortlessly chic and put together? Ever found yourself staring at the photos of Parisian It girls like Marion Cotillard and Clémence Poésy, trying to steal their style? Parisian ladies don’t seem to dress outlandishly, and they never look tacky. Black is the dominant colour of their wardrobe, and they steer clear … Continue reading The 8 Basic Rules of Parisian Dressing

ZALORA celebrates the launch of Jack Wills’ Spring/Summer 2018 Collection

Original Content from Filment Ho Thread SG Last week, British fashion label Jack Wills made its exclusive online debut in Asia on ZALORA and unveiled its Spring/Summer 2018 Collection on 15th March at Spanish restaurant FOC Sentosa with a fashion trunk show. The event saw more than 50 guests in attendance, including media personalities and fashion influencers from across the region with the likes of … Continue reading ZALORA celebrates the launch of Jack Wills’ Spring/Summer 2018 Collection

How to Couple-Coordinate Your Outfit Without Looking Cheesy — A Valentine’s Day Special

We get it, you’re in love. But that doesn’t mean you have to wear identical t-shirts to proclaim that. Instead, raise your style game by coordinating your Valentine’s Day outfit with your other half. Coordinating your outfit with your S.O. is meant to make a statement that you’re both so in love. But there’s a chicer way to go about it. Take a leaf from … Continue reading How to Couple-Coordinate Your Outfit Without Looking Cheesy — A Valentine’s Day Special

#ZALORAStyleEdit最佳穿搭 — 2018年1月

Liyana Meer 街頭風和OOTD是時裝界的重要一環,而如何透過街拍,不經意地展現時尚自信一面亦是門高深的學問。若想拍下出色的街拍照,您必須先了解哪個風格和角度最能表現最真最美的一面。 要隨時隨地都明豔動人絕不容易,所以我們每月都會在#ZALORAStyleEdit精挑細選最出色街拍,給您一點穿搭靈感。 #ZALORAStyleEdit是個讓您展示個完美人時尚風格的平台。我們發現,每一張用了#ZALORAStyleEdit Hashtag的相片都將街頭風的精粹都發揮得淋漓盡致。以下是今個月6個最佳穿搭!(相信我們,看上去好像很容易,但做起來相當有難度!) @inner.maverick的穿搭以皮革為主題,流露出放達不羈的個性 @jo_sephinetan以條紋上衣為主調,再搭配可愛的畫家帽,看上去特別型格 @paulinanmark 展現了飄逸風格不只是可愛甜美,亦能展現自信 @x_sml證明了,黑白穿搭絕不是沉悶的選擇 @jeeradoesfashion 的街頭風格使人不得不回望 我們很想知道您的日常穿搭!在Instagram為您的造型相和開箱相加上#ZALORAStyleEdit Hashtag,下個月的最佳穿搭可能就是您! Continue reading #ZALORAStyleEdit最佳穿搭 — 2018年1月

How To Conquer Military Styling

Military-inspired looks are once again set to be one of the key trends for spring, classic military inspired pieces are blended with subtle natural fabrics, or styled with relaxed linen to add a resort relevance to this key look. Shades of earthy khaki, sands, sage, crisp white and midnight navy perfectly complement each other and can easily pull together the greys and black pieces in … Continue reading How To Conquer Military Styling

Shop The Look — Ryan Gosling

Some describe him as a god. Okay, that’s most women, but to be fair, they’re not too far off — especially given his stern bad boy stare in the 2011 film, Drive. Swoon! Apart from good looks, his style is also bang on point. The sexy brooder even managed to snag Eva Mendes as his wife and mother to his gorgeous baby girl — he’s definitely more than just … Continue reading Shop The Look — Ryan Gosling

3 Ways To Get White Hot For Summer

Going bright and bold with colours and prints is perfect for dressing during those spring and summer months of warm to hot weather. But while going fun with colours almost a prerequisite, there is always a hot trendy colour that remains an indispensable summer wardrobe staple: white. While it may not a very radical choice for summer, this colour still manages to lend an easy … Continue reading 3 Ways To Get White Hot For Summer