點樣完美駕馭Jetsetter Style?

Original Content from Teefa Rosly by THREAD MY 早在2010年,fashion icon 「碧咸嫂」就在Twitter上post過:「機場就是我的runway」,如果說到我們可以怎麼她學習,那就是不要忽視我們在機場的穿搭。無論近或遠,坐飛機旅行可能會令人身心疲累——長時間等check in和登機 、悶熱的機位、有機會坐在陌生人旁邊、以及(有時)可怕的飛機餐。 面對這些(甚至更多)無奈的情況,去旅行穿得舒服幾乎是肯定的事,但並不代表舒適和時髦不能並存。 不用擔心,這裡有6件事可以助大家輕鬆地完美carry機場 jetsetter style,穿出名媛feel: 運動鞋和舒適的靴 雖然 「斗零踭」和高跟鞋的確夠潮,但明顯並不適合你趕飛機時奔跑穿著。當你雙腳在機上長時間被一對裸跟鞋束縛時,肯定非常不舒服。 相反,選擇一雙可靠的運動鞋或堅固的靴吧!不但更容易行(或跑),而且讓雙腳有足夠空間。花些許心思挑選的話,分分鐘令你散發 「我只是隨便穿,但就是這麼時尚」的氣場! 打造層次感 根據你的目的地或旅行時的季節,溫度和天氣可能會有巨大變化。 明明前一分鐘還是溫暖,但下一秒可能已經覺得凍。最好的辦法是穿簡單上衣或T恤配牛仔褲,再隨身攜帶一件外套或針織外套。 這樣,你就可以在凍的時侯穿上外套,或者在熱的時候脫下,並掛在座位旁邊的衣帽鉤上。 佩戴太陽眼鏡 太陽眼鏡不僅可以幫你阻擋陽光,當你在飛機上失眠時,它亦是最好的飾物助你遮住眼袋。 不想和旁邊的陌生人social? 戴上太陽眼鏡,插上earphone吧!他們肯定get到你的暗示。 有型背囊或時尚手提包 經典的皮革手提包可謂旅遊必備品之一,而且永遠不會出錯。 如果你覺得手提袋太重壓著膀頭和手臂,那就選擇有型又可靠的背囊吧! 皮革手提包和背囊都是大眾喜愛的款式——實用性?Pass! 外形時尚?Checked! Aldo Roreto Duffle Bag Jackbox XBD Cylinder Canvas Bag Shoulder Messenger Sling Handbag Backpack 寬鬆主義 雖然迷你裙和緊身牛仔褲是必備單品,但如果你需要長時間乘坐飛機,他們舒適度其實相當低。 不妨參考下 Kendall Jenner 的造型,穿上寬鬆的運動服或Boyfriend牛仔褲,令你四處走動都不會感到焗束之餘,亦可在座位上舒服地小睡休息。 堅固行李箱 最後一點但亦同樣重要的是,去旅行要確保財務安全,怎少得了一個堅固可靠的行李箱呢?記得要購買有信譽的知名品牌行李箱,並確保在辦理登機手續之前鎖好。 很多人都喜歡這款大理石圖案的硬殼行李箱,不但可靠 、簡單,而且非常漂亮! Typo 行李箱套裝 以上的機場穿搭tips實用嗎?你又有沒有什麼旅行相關的知識想跟我們分享呢?請在下面的評論區留言吧! READ MORE: Continue reading 點樣完美駕馭Jetsetter Style?

Here’s What You Missed From The ZALORA Getaway

Check out the highlights from our trip to beautiful Sicogon with some of our favorite fashion ambassadors from across the region From THREAD PH Last August, we brought some of our favorite fashion ambassadors to Sicogon Island, Philippines on #TheZALORAGetaway. On the getaway, 14 influencers from Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, and the Philippines enjoyed four days of beachside dinners, island hopping, and even a fitness … Continue reading Here’s What You Missed From The ZALORA Getaway

AROUND THE WORLD: Travel Destinations for the ISFJ

Original Content from THREAD SG Photo by Andre Benz on Unsplash Each of the sixteen personality types is purported to behave in ways true to their temperament, and this influences their travel personality too. In this series, we dedicate a feature to each personality type. Whether you’re an INFJ or an ESTP, find out the best destinations for you here. ISFJs are honest, protective people — “Defenders” — who care … Continue reading AROUND THE WORLD: Travel Destinations for the ISFJ


Jetsetter, trendsetter. Original Content from Thread PH Photo by Joseph Pearson via Unsplash 度假固然很有趣,但到達目的地途中你有可能會受盡折磨。 無論你去旅行是坐飛機、汽車、巴士、火車還是乘船,都意味著你要在狹小的空間內與陌生人擠擁。雖然這樣非常痛苦,但你可以通過舒適的穿搭來緩解。 你絕不會想一到達目的地時,看起來就像剛起床一樣。 幸運的是,你轉換#OOTDs 時不需要在時尚與功能中作出取捨。 現在就來看看舒適與風格並存的造型秘訣吧! 1. 穿簡單的上下衣 舒適造型的重點是穿可以讓你隨意走動的寬鬆衣服。 這並不代表睡衣 — 看看Alicia Vikander如何搭配飄逸的長袖上衣(解開脖子的幾顆鈕扣令自己更舒適)和寬鬆的牛仔褲,穿出休閒又時髦的造型: 如果你想穿牛仔,可以考慮像Alicia穿的男友風牛仔褲(請將緊身牛仔褲留在行李中),但你也可以嘗試更輕盈的裙褲。 要數最輕盈的單品,肯定非連衣裙莫屬,但要確保不會太緊或太短。 在你坐著時要不斷調整會捲上去的裙子是件痛苦的事,所以穿飄逸的中長裙或長連衣裙是很好的選擇。 至於你為了去沙灘而買的可愛連身短褲,請收起來 — 當你進出狹窄的飛機浴室內或中途站的公共廁所時,連身短褲絕對不方便。 ZALORA BASICS 無領上衣 | ZALORA 無袖印花長裙 | Tokichoi Paperbag Pants With Tie Front 2. 輕薄層次感 Photo by JD Mason via Unsplash 你去的地方可能艷陽高照,但說不定晚上氣溫會驟降或者出入冷氣地方時,要適應溫差可能會相當痛苦,因此請務必攜帶可輕鬆穿脫的外衣。 如果你在熱帶地區度假,輕便的外套或時興的日式外套就足夠了。 如果要去氣溫比較低的地方,不妨考慮一件較厚的外套,再加一條頸巾,如此便萬無一失了。 3. 質地非常重要 另一點要注意的是你的衣服物料。 請盡量穿如棉和亞麻等天然材料製成的衣服,與滌綸這類合成材料完全相反 — 它們非常輕,而且透氣性好,可以令你於旅途中keep到清新舒爽。 4. 擁抱運動休閒風 你可能無法穿著睡衣到機場,但你有其他相似的選擇。 隨著運動休閒風的興起,普遍大眾已經接受了在#OOTD中穿慢跑褲和緊身褲。 在旅途中,充分利用這個趨勢,穿著舒適的衣服四處遊玩吧! 參考Gigi Hadid的造型,讓你的穿搭看起來寬鬆得來帶點有趣的細節,例如大熱的條紋和鮮豔的顏色。 Factorie 拉鍊運外套 | ONLY 間條邊緊身褲 … Continue reading 7個時髦又舒適的旅遊穿搭秘訣

AROUND THE WORLD: Travel Destinations for the ENFP

Not sure where to go next? Your Myers-Briggs personality might give you a clue. Original Content from THREAD SG Each of the sixteen personality types is purported to behave in ways true to their temperament, and this influences their travel personality too. In this series, we dedicate a feature to each personality type. Whether you’re an INFJ or an ESTP, find out the best destinations for … Continue reading AROUND THE WORLD: Travel Destinations for the ENFP


Original Content from Sreya Sanyal Thread SG Sunshine, clear skies, sandy beaches and pristine waters — these are just a few of the things we love about countries with perpetual summer. If you’re an inhabitant of a tropical nation, do the good work and pass this article along to a friend living in cooler climates. However, if you’re far too excited to pack and have no time … Continue reading JETSETTER, TRENDSETTER: Summer Locales

7 Tips For Chic And Comfortable Travel Outfits

Jetsetter, trendsetter. Original Content from Nica Dobles Thread PH Photo by Joseph Pearson via Unsplash Being on vacation is fun, but getting there can be an ordeal. Whether you’re travelling by plane, car, bus, train, or boat, being in transit means hours of being cramped in a tight space, often with complete strangers. It’s a painful situation, but you can ease it a bit by wearing … Continue reading 7 Tips For Chic And Comfortable Travel Outfits

Where to Go Based On Your Travel Personality — Part 2

Original Content from Thread SG Whether you’re conventional who sticks to tried and tested routes or a dreamer who enjoys getting lost, there’s a holiday that suits you best. [READ MORE: Where to Go Based On Your Travel Personality — Part 1] Here are more types of travel personalities, and more destination and wardrobe suggestions for you! The Extreme Traveller Extreme Travellers are intensely energetic and love … Continue reading Where to Go Based On Your Travel Personality — Part 2

Easy Ways to Stay Fit on Vacation

Original Content from Thread SG It’s hard to stay motivated and disciplined in sticking to your fitness regime when you’re on vacation. After all, you might think, you’re on holiday — surely you deserve some down time! Certainly, you do. You earned that break. But straying too far from your workout routine means you’ll find it even harder to jump back into it after you return from … Continue reading Easy Ways to Stay Fit on Vacation

5 Effortless In-Flight Beauty Tips

Original Content from Chan Wei Yin Thread SG Source: Shutterstock Want to step off the plane looking refreshed after a long flight, but don’t want to bring too much on board? These five easy tips using only minimal products will leave your face looking radiant before landing: 1. Keep your face hydrated At 30,000 feet up in the sky, the dry air is bound to wreak … Continue reading 5 Effortless In-Flight Beauty Tips