Where to Go Based On Your Travel Personality — Part 1

Original Content from Thread SG If you’re planning your next trip but are not sure where to go, here’s how you can find out. By determining your travel personality type, you can pick destinations better suited for you. And don’t worry if you think you’re hard to define — there is a trip for every personality type out there. So find the ideal trip for your personality … Continue reading Where to Go Based On Your Travel Personality — Part 1

How to Pack for a Bleisure Trip

Original Content from Joyce Chua Thread SG Spice up your all-work-and-no-fun business trips with some leisure time. Basically defined as work trips made fun, bleisure is now a bona fide travel trend as more people than ever are blending business and leisure travel. And the demographic driving this trend is — you guessed it — millennials. With more millennials in the workforce, millennials who prize work-life balance, bleisure travel is … Continue reading How to Pack for a Bleisure Trip

5 Travel Essentials Every Adventurer Needs

Original Content from Joyce Chua Thread SG Going somewhere? Don’t forget to include our list of essentials in your exciting travel plans. Small in size but big on features, these items make all the difference between a once-in-a-lifetime experience and a forgettable journey. Sneak PicksIf you’re going to be clocking serious mileage throughout your trip, skip the sandals and step out in shoes that offer … Continue reading 5 Travel Essentials Every Adventurer Needs

Flashpacking: How to Travel in Style

Original Content from Joyce Chua Thread SG The not-on-budget travel style guide for the affluent backpacker We’re used to seeing backpackers rough it out with their hefty baggage. But there are fancier ways of travelling with your worldly possessions in tow. Flashpacking is the modus operandi of many millennials now. What is Flashpacking While backpacking is typically associated with budget travel and cheaper destinations, its … Continue reading Flashpacking: How to Travel in Style

Fail-proof Relaxation Tips for the Busy Working Woman

Original Content from Lisa Danielle Wong We know, it’s been a long day. However, not all of us can afford a fancy spa retreat. Nonetheless, we all deserve a little pampering. Here’s how you can enjoy a simple home spa with a side of Netflix. 1. Light A Candle A scented candle (preferably chamomile scented to boost relaxation) helps create a calming atmosphere in the house. … Continue reading Fail-proof Relaxation Tips for the Busy Working Woman

Beauty Essentials for Any Trip (And How to Fit Them Into Your Luggage)

Original Content From Thread SG When it comes to packing your travel beauty essentials, no matter how many times you write a checklist, you always forget something that you need. Remembering that everything has to be under 100ml for the plane, what you actually need on a plane and what you’ll need whilst you’re there can be a bit of a headache. So this list … Continue reading Beauty Essentials for Any Trip (And How to Fit Them Into Your Luggage)

5 Key Tips for First-Time Solo Travellers

Original Content From Thread SG Travelling solo may sound daunting, but it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll ever gain. Sure, it’s fun to travel with company, but there are also many reasons to fly solo: not only do you get to travel according to your own schedule and preference, you also get some valuable alone time and learn to venture into … Continue reading 5 Key Tips for First-Time Solo Travellers

5 Easily Overlooked Things When Choosing A Bali Villa

http://www.pinterest.com One of the world’s most popular destinations for those seeking sun, sand, sea, and everything else, Bali is an island and province that is home to about 4 million people. Notably termed by many as Island of God, villas are aplenty on this island and it is natural for them to pop into mind when one thinks of a vacation in Bali. From villas … Continue reading 5 Easily Overlooked Things When Choosing A Bali Villa


寵物從來都是排解煩憂、消除寂寞的最佳伴侶。假如你自問是愛狗人士,或許會對貓這種動物有一點點誤解。外冷內熱的貓咪與活潑貪玩的狗狗截然不同,但各有吸引之處。雖然不像小狗般熱情,但貓咪亦懂人性,能夠感受到主人的情感變化,也會在你需要牠的時候相伴左右。在一天工作過後,回到家中便能抱著毛茸茸的小貓,聽著牠咕嚕咕嚕的愛呼,絕對是超治癒的放鬆方式。還未能說服到你?來看看選擇養貓的三大理由吧! (由左至右) https://www.instagram.com/p/BLxUFdPgLF0/ , https://www.instagram.com/p/BLxBUFwADIo/ 容易打理 在香港這種寸金尺土的地方,實在不太適合大型寵物。假如你並非住在別墅洋房之中,沒有特大前後花園,便不應養大型犬當寵物。狗狗們需要空間活動,亦需要每天散步,而且很多屋苑都禁止養狗,成為主人前絕對要想清想楚!假如你沒有信心照料小狗的日常生活,又希望有寵物相伴,貓咪會是非常不錯的選擇。除了不需外出,貓咪亦會自己梳理毛髮及使用貓砂,生活上較為容易打理。 (由左至右) https://www.instagram.com/p/BLJTYuPAxmh/, https://www.instagram.com/p/BLDYd6KgsS9/ 2. 安靜乖巧 貓咪不會吠叫,所以你不用擔心影響鄰居,亦不怕調教不善而導致問題。大部份狗狗都熱愛玩耍,花體力亦花時間。如果你喜歡安靜,整天懶洋洋的小貓或會成為你的最好朋友。在週末的午後看看書、摸摸貓,難道不是放鬆身心的最佳節目嗎? (由左至右) https://www.instagram.com/p/BL_VPikj00n/ , https://www.instagram.com/p/BK-55fPjszY/ 3. 個性獨立 很多人都會被貓的優雅姿態迷倒。天性獨立的貓貓非常有個性,不會聽取指令卻又充滿神秘魅力,令不少人心甘情願成為貓奴。狗狗多數喜歡同伴相陪,而貓咪習慣獨居,代表你毋需擔心牠會寂寞。只要定時餵食、照料與檢查,每天給牠愛的抱抱,貓咪就會高高興興的伴你左右啦! (由左至右) https://www.instagram.com/p/BLBTTSsABqQ/, https://www.instagram.com/p/BKsm2HdgHjO/ 貓咪品種繁多,有活潑的也有粘人的、有貪玩的也有害羞的,品性各異。無論養甚麼類型的寵物,最重要一點就是當一個負責任的主人。一旦作出養寵物這個決定,你便應履行照顧牠一輩子的承諾。在人生中你會有家人、朋友、伴侶,但貓咪的短暫一生只有你一位主人。不棄養是最基本的條件,而你亦應做好花錢、花時間、花心機去照料寵物的準備。如果可以的話,以領養代替買賣。給孤單貓咪一個溫暖的家,牠也會以最大的愛意作為回報。 Continue reading 喵~三個養貓的理由

8大單身族 — — 妳是哪一種?

踏入26歲, 好像身邊的好友都已經找到命中注定的一位, 唯獨妳還是弧單一人。踏入26歲, 妳開始在社交媒體上不停看到朋友們張貼訂婚、結婚, 甚至可愛寶寶的照片。踏入26歲, 朋友們在與摯愛享受人生, 又或者籌備告別單身派對。妳的好友們看來已經安頓好人生, 找到屬於兩小口的舒適區。 然後看看自己 — — 週末晚上參加睡衣派對, 在Netflix看著重播的《Gilmore Girl》。當然, 有部分人享受單身的樂趣。但有時我們也會感到寂寞, 想想為什麼沒有另一半與自己分享生活上的大小事情。 當街裡愛人一對對, 難免會想起只有自己一個。尤其在光棍節這種為單身人士而設的節日, 妳開始覺得要自己快樂才是最重要。購物網站和各大品牌都跟妳說: 「寵愛自己!」, 告訴妳用購物療法去忘記單身的寂寞, 有時購物比起擁有伴侶更加開心。 購物絕不是為了踢走內心的空虛; 相反, 無論是單身抑或已婚, 我們應該要令自己過得更開心。以下看看妳到底是哪一種單身貴族: 其實自己一個更開心 妳獨立堅強, 不需要依賴他人。妳喜歡單身, 嚮往自由, 享受一個人的時光。就算目不轉睛地看著其他型男/美女, 都不怕另一半呷醋。與朋友和家人一起就已經感到滿足, 追求自己的目標就已經過得充實。當有人問妳為什麼還不談戀愛, 妳會說: 「緣分要來便來。」 2. 失戀療傷中 剛剛經歷分手, 妳急著找下一位填補生命的空白。妳不知道怎樣面對單身, 而且為了盡快減輕傷痛,妳幾乎可以接受所有類型。 3. 約會中的單身族 名義上妳是單身一族, 但實際上, 妳的約會多到填滿行程表。每天都與交友App認識的人聊天、約會。妳主張分散投資, 而且不需要安定的生活。到底妳是情場玩家, 抑或害怕許下承諾? 4. 對愛情無限憧憬 當聽到朋友的訂婚故事, 妳總是露出渴望的神情。妳熱愛浪漫愛情喜劇, 期望遇到最純潔的真愛。妳希望找到與自己最夾最相襯的心靈伴侶 (外表討好也不錯), 妳地的相處也會更輕鬆舒服。 (然而, 妳看到朋友與男友的甜蜜可能是經過無數次爭吵磨合, 才擁有現在的幸福生活。當妳面對不如童話般美好的現實時, 可能就會輕易放棄。) 5. 擇偶標準極高 要得到妳的留意, 甚至贏得妳的歡心, 一定要是條件好好, 非常特別的男生。無法滿足妳的標準的男生, 都不用奢想可以成為妳的男朋友。妳寧願單身, 都不想浪漫時間和心機在「錯」的人身上。別人說妳挑剔妳絕不同意, 妳只是清楚自己想要什麼, … Continue reading 8大單身族 — — 妳是哪一種?